Denekamp is a town in the Dutch province of Overijssel. It is a part of the region of Twente and the municipality of Dinkelland, and lies about 9 km northeast of Oldenzaal.
Restaurants in Denekamp
4.5 based on 47 reviews
Actief Twente is the place where you can rent your bike, scooter or canoe.
With a group of 10 friends we booked the solex + fishing activity. Communication was handled smoothly by the team of Actief Twente and the activities were fun to do!
4.5 based on 155 reviews
This is a fantastic animal park near the Dutch and German border. Cost was only 8.50 euros for adults and children under 4 are free also. They have been expanding the park over the years and have a good number of animals. It is great for kids, as they can get up close to many of them, and has a large playground for them to play in also. Is not that big, so can be done easily in half a day, a great day out if you are in the area.
4.5 based on 44 reviews
This place is a must, when you area. Within a few kilometres from the village of De Lutte, you find this large, green park. The area has various easy walking tours. (3, 5 and 6km loops I believe), that take you through woods and sandy areas with the painteresque river Dinkel running through it. The place has a camping, various nice restaurants, various recreationsl areas, etc. Recommended any time of year.
4 based on 15 reviews
In the lovely landscape of NE Twente, alongside the river Dinkel lies the Cosmos Observatory. With a Planetarium , a movietheatre for presentations on astronomy, a big telescope in a classical dome and a visitors-centre. Outside we have a special children-playground, based on the laws of physics and a small garden with the Zodiac signs.This is one of the darkest regions in the Netherlands.
It has been a while ago but since we keep a travel journal I could still write this review. Its a small Observatory. I think its mainly run by volunteers. First you wait in a large room with some simple children's activities. Then you get a tour in which you visit the different parts A theatre where they show you the sky and point out some constellations and the dome with the telescope. Keep in mind that to visit the dome you have to be able to climb some stairs.
We visited the Observatory because it was part of an arrangement of erfgoed bossum, an accommodation nearby which offers starcubes (equipped with telescope and roofdome) but if we had to travel purely to visit the Observatory on its own we would have been slightly disappointed
4 based on 76 reviews
I am a avid fan of these kind of open air museums, where local heritage is preserved and celebrated. "Openluchtmuseum Ootmarsum" is situated right next to the historic village center. Free parking is possible in a parking lot opposite the museum entrance. An entrance fee is levied. Entrance is free with the Dutch annual museum pass. On the area of the "Openluchtmuseum" a collection of heritage buildings is erected, reflecting the life in the Ootmarsum area one century ago. These building existed in Ootmarsum and the surrounding area and were pulled down carefully, to be rebuilt with loving care in this museum. A small mansion, a workers home, barns, workshops with working implements are preserved in this museum. It is a lovely museum, where time slips by while absorbing the ambiance and information. And at the back of the museum area, restaurant "De Weemhof" is eagerly waiting for you where you can sit down for coffee, cake or something more substantial. Highly recommended.
4.5 based on 291 reviews
We did not enter this early medieval hill Castle, but just the old church at the entrance. Beautiful setting as can be seen on the painting by Jacob van Ruisdael (1653). Reading about it again I think we should have entered, because this is quite some historical site dating back to the 11th century.
4.5 based on 22 reviews
Built around 1150 with Bentheimer sandstone, this church burned out in 1492. The clock mechanism can be seen. Tours go to the top, where views over the town and environment can be enjoyed.
4.5 based on 45 reviews
Het oorspronkelijke Huis Singraven bij rivier de Dinkel dateert uit 1415 en is daarna zowel her- als verbouwd. de naam Singraven betekent Grote gracht; sin = groot en graven = gracht. De laatste particuliere bewoner was Willem Frederik Jan Laan (WFJ), die een zoon was van een rijke industrieel uit de Zaanstreek. WJF erfde het landgoed Singraven. Hij overleed in 1966 en liet het landgoed na aan de Stichting Edwina van Heek die beschermer is van cultureel erfgoed en monumenten in Oost-Nederland.
Huis Singraven herbergt een grote, zeer fraaie antiekcollectie. De antieke 'spullen' zijn in de verschillende kamers vrijwel overal symmetrisch opgehangen/neergezet: bijvoorbeeld op plaatsen 'links en rechts' eenzelfde vaas.
Een rondleiding door een met veel kennis en enthousiasme 'uitgeruste' vrouwelijke gids duur 1,5 uur, maar die kijkt niet op 10 minuten extra. Rondleidingen t/m 31-10-2017: di/wo/do om 11.00 en 14.00 uur en alle zaterdagen in juli en augustus en op 9/9 en 7/10. Kosten: 8 euro. Kaartje te koop in de nabijgelegen Landgoedwinkel. Zeer aanbevolen.
4.5 based on 23 reviews
Nun gut, im Winter ist dort nicht so viel zu sehen, die Bäume schlafen. Und trotzdem lohnt sich das Areal mit den Wegen, teilweise am Wasser entlang. Und hinterher unbedingt in Ruhe im schönen, neuen Café sitzen, der Cheesecake ist klein aber super. Vorsicht Teetrinker: unbedingt nach english breakfast fragen, sonst kriegt man viele schöne Sorten, nur nicht normalen schwarzen Tee. Es gibt auch eine sehr feine Tapas Karte. Lohnt sich!
4 based on 25 reviews
Housed in a very modern, two-storey building, this museum show the paintings of Ton Shulten plus sculptures of several other artists working in bronze, glass and stone. There is a great sense of humour in the majority of the sculptures and the technical ability of each artist is impeccable. In addition, there is a classy restaurant attached (expensive) and a gift shop.
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