Marielyst is a small town and seaside resort some 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of Nykøbing on the Danish island of Falster. Its long sandy beach has led to an extensive summer house development with some 6,000 holiday homes. As of 2015, it has a population of 693.
Restaurants in Marielyst
4.5 based on 71 reviews
Beach City full of life - very good possibilities of shopping, eating and fun for children. Nearby is Golf, GoCart, BaseBall, DriveRanges - and many more. The information in the area is very good, and we had a great time here. TIP; Parking at Netto, Rema is ok - but there is a great parking lot just to the south of the main beach area.
4.5 based on 48 reviews
A variaty of animals and flowers fantastic Playgrounds. Bring your own food as the kiosk/cafe only offers a few items (not even a piece of fruit). My son (3,5) had fun.
4.5 based on 10 reviews
This is a place with a lot of history and activities for children. The mill represent a historic landmark for the region and a must see. During the summertime there is a fleamarket, where you can find a good bargin. It is possible to buy an ICE cream If you feel like it.
4.5 based on 3 reviews
A Golf Club in the south of Denmark near one of the best Beaches. We are open all year and are welcoming all our guests. An exiting 18 hole cource, par 71, which all golfers with af hcp. better than 54 can play. If you don't have a handicap, you can play our very good Pay & Play course with 2 par 4 holes and the rest par 3. This course is always open for play. The course have open fairways, but also closed holes with a lot of trees and natural obstacles.
Når der spilles golf 7 dage i træk, så foretrækker jeg en buggy. I Marielyst var deres buggies netop gået i stykker, men hvad gør man så - man låner da bare en John Deere ladbil fra greenkeepergården. Udover denne service var det en golfmæssigt positiv oplevelse at besøge Marielyst Golf. Jeg var der for mange år siden da det hed golfklubber. Østersøen og bestod af 9 huller, men nu er det en fin 18-hullersbane på højde med mange andre.
Kan klart anbefale et besøg her!
4.5 based on 3 reviews
Hvis du kan lide at gå en tur i naturen.
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så bør du absolut bruge et par timer her i Corselitze have.
Det er en betagende have!
4 based on 22 reviews
Our Golf & Fun Park is situated in Marielyst. With our latest novelty "9 holes Adventure Minigolf" we claim to be Denmarks largest family golfpark. Is it time for a great family outing, then Golf & Fun Park is ideal, as it is free to enter the park and just enjoy the nature and surroundings, use our grill (you can bring your own food or order our grill package in advance). However are you in search of enjoyable family challenge in combination with good service and fun activities such as, mini golf, frisbee golf, football golf, handball golf, baseball cage, driving range, segway, bumperballs and football pool, then Golf & Fun is just the place for you. For families with smaller children we recommend the Western Town, trampoline and playground - all free of charge. For a small surcharge the young ones can enjoy a ride in one of our electrical cars and bumper boats. Here you can enjoy a full day as a family or amongst friends - especially if you choose our Day Pass. Welcome!
Went whole family and bought the whole day pass, but out kids are too young/small to try the segways (they also had extra charge though) so we played a round of mini golf, then they wanted to try the boats and we found out there was extra charges on everything else in their age group 6+9 even after we had paid for the whole day pass, only thing was included was mini golf, soccer golf, frees bee golf.
Mini golf in the city near the beach is much cheaper.
3 based on 1 reviews
was eigentlich kaum angefahren wird.Meist sind es Radwanderer, die die Hauptstrasse E55 meiden wollen. Die Kirche selbst befindet sich im, sagen wir Zentrum von Skelby und sticht durch seine Ordnung und Sauberkeit ins Auge. Ein kleineres Portal bildet den Eingangsbereich zur Kirche.Drinnen waren wir nicht, deswegen beschränkt sich meine Bewertung nur auf das Gesehene außerhalb.Es gibt noch eine schlecht befahrbare Strasse zum Skelby Strand mit einem kleinen Parkplatz.
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