Norderney's recuperative sea air reverberates with crashing waves and the cry of gulls. The entire northern coast of this 14-km-long island is sandy beach; the eastern part of the island is a national park. Leave your car on the mainland and walk, bike, or take the local bus everywhere. A popular destination for families, wind surfers, and nature lovers.
Restaurants in Norderney
4.5 based on 158 reviews
One of the great pleasures in Norderney is to walk or ride a bike along the sea wall above the Beaches. It is very wide, so even though there are many people doing the same, it never feels packed. The more you walk or ride to the east, the nicer the Beaches get. We would recomment Nordstrand, which is the furthest from town and backed by nice dunes.
By the way, sunsets are just beautiful there as well. It's particularly packed near a bar (I think it's called "Milchbar"), but any place along the Promenade offers great views.
5 based on 47 reviews
Michael versteht es, alle Teilnehmer der Gruppe "mitzunehmen".
Nach einer gründlichen professionellen Einweisung geht es los und Michael verbindet es, schöne Eindrücke von der Insel mit dem Spaß am Segwayfahren zu verbinden.
Vielen Dank!
Netter Abschluss im Segelhafen.
Wiederholungsfalle: 100%
Empfehlungsfaktor: 100%
Geniales Preis/Leistungsverhältnis!
4.5 based on 55 reviews
Kurz und knapp
Immer sehr schön hier und ein Muss für jeden Ney Fan
Ein Hammer leckeres Bier und Weizen.
Zur Bewertung eines Gastes mit Verletzung
Ich denke wenn man vernünftig mit ein Eigentümer gesprochen hätte, hätte man sich geeinigt.
P.S. dies ist keine 5 Sterne Kneipe sondern rustikal gemütlich und das ist das was die Insel braucht.
Fleischwunden sehen anders aus, mehr übertrieben.
Also bis dahin
Komme wieder und weiter so
Mit Harzer Grüßen
4.5 based on 55 reviews
The tower was the first time I saw something that wasn't spic and span clean on the island. There is some mold growing inside, but it is safe. The view is good, but as to be expected there is not a lot of room on top. There are hundreds of rabbits around. Make sure you show your Norderney card (they don't ask) to get the discount.
4.5 based on 40 reviews
4.5 based on 42 reviews
A great spa that offers a variety of pools (hot, cold, with massage jets, with high salinity etc) and saunas. In the center of town and quite affordable for what was offered. A wave pool costs extra.
4 based on 31 reviews
This museum experience is all about the Wadden of Norderney. Lots of ways to learn in a fun way, very interactive. BUT... it's all in German (only the titles of exhibits are translated) and it's basically two rooms (one downstairs, one upstairs and a balcony). You could spend more than 1 hour here, but about 1 hour is enough. Great for a rainy day.
4.5 based on 19 reviews
Wer mehr über Norderney und die Badekultur im Allgemeinen wissen - oder nur einen Schlechtwettertag totschlagen will, ist in diesem netten, informativen Museum bestens aufgehoben. Im Museum befindet sich noch eine Galerie, ein Minicafé und ein Museumsladen.
In unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft ist ein Indoorspielplatz Kleine Robbe und der Kletterpark.
3.5 based on 33 reviews
Not much can be said about this small commemorative obelisk . It's made of a cluster of different stones and appears very rough and ready - without any special sculptorish style or architectural skill. You glance at it when passing by but it isn't very informative nor memorable .
5 based on 4 reviews
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