Discover the best top things to do in Blaavand, Denmark including Blaavand Beach, Tirpitz, Blaavandshuk Fyr, Blaavand Zoo, Skallingen, Bill Woodrows Fredsskulptur, Ravsliberen, Hoevlehuset, Ho Kirke, Ho Strik Vaevestuen I Ho.
Restaurants in Blaavand
4.5 based on 127 reviews
One of my favourite Beaches on the west coast. A long idyllic beach, with close access to shops, restaurants and a fantastic lighthouse as a lookout point. The 'horse' bunkers on the beach are a particular favourite of mine: a little bit of history transformed into beauty.
4.5 based on 232 reviews
One of the best museum we have ever visited with the latest technology and architecture. The building itself is amazing built amount the sanddunes incorporating the old bunker Tirpitz. With your own audio translater you can listen to information relating to the displays. Three Exhibitions...WW2, the west coast and amber. All three are interesting and there is something for everyone. The highlight for us...the "movie" shown on the walls with the history of life on the west coast was amazing.
Very popular so arrive early. Great place for people of all ages.
4.5 based on 85 reviews
4 based on 154 reviews
We had a nice time here. Compared to its size there are quite a lot of animals and even lions etc. Some Playgrounds for children too and plenty of places to sit and relax.
We liked that you can get really close to the animals here.
Only thing not so nice is that the park could do with some more maintenance. Several swings for kids were partly broken and the general impression of the zoo area (plants, grass, sandboxes etc.) is that it is not being kept so well. One feels that with the entrance fee of 120,- they might be able to afford it.
Otherwise a nice zoo and easy to get to if you are in the area anyway for a holiday or visit.
5 based on 39 reviews
We went to Skallingen by bike and spent a beautiful afternoon there. Lots of cows, but nearly no other humans, so if you desire a nice and quiet day you should try this place
4 based on 42 reviews
Transforming the sad remains of a sad war into horses is a clever move. And since you can climb the bunkers, you can get a very close look/experience of this work.
The Blåvand beach is one of the best in Denmark, so you should anyway pay a visit - and enjoy this "bunker art" at the same go.
4 based on 9 reviews
Rav er harpiks, der er forstenet og har ligget i havet i mange millioner år.
Man kan finde rav på stranden, hvis man er heldig/dygtig. Specielt efter stormvejr er der gode muligheder for at finde rav.
Hos ravsliberen kan man høre en spændende fortælling om ravets historie.
Man kan få gode råd, og om sommeren arrangerer han "ravsamler-ture" på stranden.
Hos ravsliberen kan man også se og købe flotte ravsmykker og andre ravpynteting.
5 based on 4 reviews
Høvlehuset er en historisk værktøjsmuseum med en samling af træværktøj fra år 1700-1900.
Blåvand-området har mange store attraktioner, og Høvlehuset er nok ikke det mest kendte.
Men det er et interessant lille privatejet museum med masser af gammelt værktøj.
Værktøjet vedrører primært landhåndværk i perioden 1700-1950.
Høvlehuset ligger lidt afsides, men der er god skiltning fra Blåvandvej i nord og Tane Hedevej i syd.
4 based on 6 reviews
This small old church has lots of history (dating back to around 1420) and it is worth a short visit.
4.5 based on 4 reviews
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