Discover the best top things to do in Resende, Brazil including Teatro Academico da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, Militar da AMAN Museum, Paraquedismo Rio de Janeiro, Our Lady of the Conception Church, Resende Shopping, Poco das Esmeraldas, Resende Modern Art Museum, Aeroclube de Resende, Poco do Ceu, T&T Adventures.
Restaurants in Resende
4.5 based on 199 reviews
I'm a service man, só i work here, in the Academy. I'm suspicius When i talk about AMAN but i say anyway... it's a baeutfull and confortable Palace With a perfect accustic, alwais ready for anykind of event.
4.5 based on 135 reviews
The AMAN is a huge military training camp in the centre of Resende, where the public can visit
If you are lucky you can time your visit when the recruits are all training in the pool, stables, assault course, or fields.
There is a free guided tour of the buildings and a museum to spend some time in (with a guide)
Our guide did his best to speak in English for our party!!
5 based on 45 reviews
If you have a day to spare when in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) then take a trip to Resende and skydive with Paraquedismo RJ. The team are enthusiastic, professional and safety is their paramount concern. The process from arrival to departure is very slick and I was impressed. It was well worth the effort to travel to Resende to experience the thrill of a tamden jump with breathtaking views and of course glorious weather. For those of you who may be a little anxious, remember you are attached to an experienced instructor who is there to support you and prevent complications.
GETTING THERE: take a bus from Rio to Rodoviaria Bus Station. Then go to the main coach station nearby and take a Cidade Do Aco coach to Resende. Once in Resende get a taxi to Aeroclube Resende. This may read quite complicated, but my experience was very smooth indeed. You can book the coach online if you prefer.
4.5 based on 36 reviews
3.5 based on 183 reviews
4.5 based on 24 reviews
A cachoeira das Esmeraldas fica dentro do camping clube na Serrinha do Alambari, distrito de Resende. Você chega no camping pela estrada que vai de Penedo à Visconde de Mauá, entrando no trevo da Serrinha.
O camping dispõe de boa estrutura com água quente nos banheiros, restaurante com almoço self service e sauna, além de várias cachoeiras para banho. A mais famosa e melhor para banho é a das Esmeraldas, a última de uma trilha de aproximadamente 20 minutos mas que valem muito a pena.
Trilha não recomendada para idosos devido ao considerável desnível em alguns trechos e escorregadia em época de chuva.
A entrada de animais de estimação é bem vinda.
4 based on 33 reviews
4.5 based on 16 reviews
Have you ever tried seeing the world differently? The Resende AirClub offers scenic flights throughout the region of: Resende, Angra dos Reis and Paraty Bay, Park Bocaina, Mountains of Agulhas Negras and Mantiqueira(Penedo, Park Itatiaia, Visconde de Maua) Barra Mansa, Volta Redonda, and more. Capacity for up to 3 passengers/aircraft (plus the pilot). You will be amazed with this beautiful view.
It was an amazing flight, a possibility to see the world diffently. Beautful landscape. receptive staff and pilots. Highly recommended
4.5 based on 7 reviews
Local dentro de uma propriedade privada, mas que com uma taxa você consegue entrar e fazer a trilha para chegar no rio e ter um visual lindo, com muito verde e uma água cristalina.
4.5 based on 6 reviews
Bom local para se visitar com a família, você faz um passeio fantástico por dentro de locais que o carro digamos tem que ser preparado e conhecer bem a região, tem várias cachoeiras show de bola na tour. O vale do alcantilado é lindo com as mais belas cachoeiras.
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