Discover the best top things to do in Bredebro, Denmark including Troejborg Slotsruin, Loegumkloster Kirke, Hjemsted Oldtidspark, Ballum Kirke, Hoejer Sluse, Hjerpsted Kirke, Krigsfangegravene, Det Gamle Apotek, Vidaslusen, Museum Sonderjylland Kulturhistorie Tonder.
Restaurants in Bredebro
4 based on 11 reviews
Trøjborg Caste-ruin was first build as a Middle Ages Castle in the 14th Century.
Later, in 1580. was build the Renaissance Castle, which Ruin, we see today.
The Castle was demolished in 1854, except the South-wall and the basement.
There is a Moat around the Castle, and a Bridge over the Moat lead you to the Portal, which is reconstructed.
5 based on 11 reviews
4.5 based on 40 reviews
My husband and I thought the Oldtidspark was very fascinating, food for thought and food for the imagination! In fact it was brilliant. I like the way in which the people running the Oldtidspark substantiated the facts which were presented. There were also animals that the Stone Age people may have had.
It was done in such a way that you could imagine that you were living way back then – almost two thousand years! There was also a film, the commentary was in Danish and English, which was excellent, and it was very well done. Those acting the parts of Stone Age people spoke Danish, but given that we cannot trace the language of the Stone Age inhabitants, I wonder if it would have been a good idea to get the actors to speak in a language like Esperanto to give the Stone Age era more mystery – just a thought and a suggestion! Reason I say that is that Esperanto is a neutral language and does not ascribe to any culture.
4 based on 5 reviews
Lovely little church in Ballum. We stayed close by on holidays and visited this church often. Typical little church with beautiful design inside. Lovely churchyard all the way round and very inviting to sit and rest. Really enjoyed that visit.
4 based on 49 reviews
Behind Højer Sluse was a safe trading port with traffic and busy companies. Højer Sluse was built at the same time with the Højer-Siltoft dike in 1861. In the past, the ships could safely enter the Højer Canal. With an open lock in the dike ships with masts could sail into Højer Harbor, which was situated within the dike. The port was connected with the lock factory, which produced feed flour. Højer Havn was used primarily as a port of call, especially for building materials, fuel and fertilizer for the local businesses. But for many years, the harbor was also the framework for tourist traffic. Guests to the Sild spa baths traveled to and from the Wadden Sea with a steamship from Højer, where they came by train. On the route from Hamburg, extra train was taken in and drove directly to the quayside at the lock.
Imposing and incredibly beautiful views of the Wadden Sea. Lots of birdlife and a fantastic piece of Danish nature.
3 based on 1 reviews
Hjerpsted Kirke er Danmarks sydvestligste kirke.
Kirken er oprindeligt bygget i romansk stil omkring 1130.
Der har senere været renoveringer, tilbygninger og nedrivninger, men den ældste del af kirken - kor og skib - er bevaret.
Hjerpsted Kirke ligger meget markant nær vadehavskysten ved landevejen fra Højer mod Rømø
Kirken ligger fuldstændig åbent på en bakkeø uden for Hjerpsted, som et monument, eller som om den vil skærme byen mod det barske vejr, der ofte kommer fra sydvest.
4 based on 6 reviews
Lidt gemt af vejen i en lille skov ligger dette monument for krigens gru. Man kører gennem et industriområde og kommer frem til Krigsfangevej, der er gode skilte, her kan man parkere og gå de sidste skridt ind i skoven.
Under første Verdenskrig var der i Løgumkloster en lejr for krigsfanger, vel op til 2000 mand og på grund af manglende og dårlig kost kombineret med hårdt arbejde.Døde mange af plettyfus i 1915 og man har derfor en gravplads på stedet. Der er 71 ens stenkors hvorpå nationalitet, navn og dødsdag stor, her franskmænd, Belgier og flest Russere. Der blev af medfangerne rejst mindesmærke som i 1923 rejst et nyt monument i granit og her står der tekst på dansk, russisk og fransk. Lidt væk fra disse gravsten står inde i skoven en sten helt for sig, navnet kunne tyde på at det var en jøde, lidt underligt for i 1 verdenskrig kæmpede også jøderne med i de stående styrker.
Stedet var meget pænt og velholdt og jeg kan opfordre til at man besøger denne del af vores historie.
4.5 based on 72 reviews
A lot of different crafts and gift ideas. One will find what one did not know you missed spread in more than 40 rooms. Even Christmas items all year through. It is situated in a beautiful building from 1595, the house of The Old Pharmacy. In 1671 it was transformed from being a residential house into a pharmacy and had this function until 1989.
4 based on 25 reviews
Højer Ny Sluse (Vidåslusen) was completed in 1981. It consists of three concrete chambers with each two wooden doors. There is a car park and a restaurant close to the lock.
4.5 based on 45 reviews
A really nice find. The museum itself is divided into rooms, and most have guides written in English or German as well as Danish. Unfortunately this does not extend to everywhere hence only 4 stars. The old furniture is really interesting. There is a room for lace making and one filed with ancient maps. A turn through a low door takes you to the old prison, which contain a number of rooms which have panels which the prisoners inscribed some unique graffitti in the 19th century.
The watertowere itself has about 8 levels all with examples of the furniture made by Wenger. The top most floor has 360 degree views, and offers distance views over the city of Tonder, as well as farmlands. The room itself is really a conference room, which in my view would be a bit depressing if the sun wasn't shining.
The Art Museum, is full of Modern Art, not my style, but a nice building with a cafe/shop.
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