Discover the best top things to do in Zielona Gora, Poland including MOSIR Sport and Recreational Centre, Palm House, Focus Park, Town Hall (Ratusz), Planetarium Venus, Botanical Garden of the University of Zielona Gora, Museum of Ancient Torture and Wine in Zielona Gora, Konkatedra Sw. Jadwigi, Wieza Glodowa, KoSciol NajSwietszego Zbawiciela.
Restaurants in Zielona Gora
4.5 based on 45 reviews
Centre Of Sports And Recreation, Adventure Swimming Slides, All Indoor Sports Activities.
We really enjoyed the water park. It is reasonably priced and very clean. Our son loved the water slides and kid area. Remember that they don't allow board shorts. But if you don't have a swim suite you can purchase one at the sports shop there and the swimming suites are priced ok.
4 based on 72 reviews
Palmiarnia (Palm House) is located in Zielona Gora at the top Vine Hill. Surrounded by so-called vine-covered park it is one of the most recognizable landmarks of the city and the province of Lubuskie. It consists of extensive glass pavilion and the house of winemaker. The palm house grow exotic plants (over 200 species). Unique in Europe is located in the interior of the largest in the Old Continent palm tree, you can also see turtles and fish in Aquariums. In addition to admiring the exotic plants and animals Palmiarnia serves as the restaurant, which are organized various cultural events and occasional events (concerts, discos, balls, weddings, fashion shows, karaoke contests). It is a great place for a walk around the hill as well as a place to go for a dinner.
4 based on 50 reviews
I am going there during every visit in ZG. Good mix of shops although some are very expensive. Few places where you can have coffee and relax once you fed up with shopping, Avoid holidays as it is packed, looks like entire city coming to Focus
4.5 based on 18 reviews
Historical building. It looks really handsome surrounded by colorful houses of the Old Town (Stare Miasto). If you live in Zielona Góra and you want to get married most likely you would go for a civil ceremony here. Therefor usually on Saturdays this area is flooded with newlyweds and wedding guests cheering for couples and pouring rice on their heads .
In its history since XV century, the town hall served many functions. On its upper storey was stored acts and municipal documents. The oldest and most valuable of these were housed in a black wooden box placed in a room connected to the meeting room. In the forties of the eighteenth century, Town Hall served the Lutheran community as a church. For a fee you could rent a reception hall for a banquet or a wedding. Today there is in the building a Historical Room and also an Indian restaurant in the basement.
In the basement of the tower there was a prison dungeon for criminals, and in the basement of the town hall was a headquarter of champion of justice (cat). From 1639 years was carried out in the basement speakeasies wine Zielona Gora, later foreign and beer. It is worth mentioning that the richness of wines produced and made in the basement of the town hall was stored as gifts for various distinguished guests treated during urban celebrations, it could even serve as payment of arrears to the magistrate.
4.5 based on 16 reviews
Wspaniałe miejsce spędzenie czasu z rodzina w świecie nauki wszechświata i kosmosu. Doskonała atrakcja dla całej skali wiekowej ludzi bo zawsze czegoś się nowego tu dowiemy. Ciekawe seanse filmowe, wcześniej sprawdzić tylko na stronie internetowej i dopasować coś dla siebie. Polecam
4 based on 18 reviews
The place is so small that you might be disappointed if you go there. ANd the poor peackok can't even properly spread its wings in the small cage!! ANd the service, the lady at the ticket office - she could give you lessons on how to discourage customers from entering
4.5 based on 8 reviews
If you want to see what people did to each other, ithis is an interesting place. But the torture part of the museum should be larger hehe.
4.5 based on 9 reviews
Essenza to klimatyczna restauracja bardzo dobrze zlokalizowana. Obsługa jest miła i wszystko smakuje całkiem niezłe. Jest jednak jeden podstawowy minus; czas oczekiwania. Wiem, ze to nie fast Food i nie oczekuje tego broń Boże! Gdy dotarłem tu z żoną, nie byli innych gości. Zamówiliśmy tylko przystawki i sałaty. W oczekiwaniu mozna umrzeć z głodu lub nudów. Przystawka zony to deska koziego sera z plastrami dojrzewającej szynki. Dla mnie pierożki z baranina (5 małych). Czas czas oczekiwania jak na bardzo skplikowane danie robione od podstaw plus jakieś 20%.
Na ścianie wpis Katarzyny Senyk, dziennikarki TVP Info: "cierpliwość to umiejetność czekania". Zgoda, ale nie dla głodnego!!!! Cały urok restauracji pryska. Szkoda.
3.5 based on 15 reviews
nel centro storico della città si vede (solo dall'esterno, non si pou' visitare) questa torre che anticamente era usata come prigione.
ha un aspetto medievale in linea con l'idea che possiamo avere di questa città nei secoli passati
3.5 based on 3 reviews
Kościół Najświętszego Zbawiciela to obiekt sakralny o bogatej historii. Zbudowany został na początku dwudziestego wieku jako świątynia protestancka , stąd oszczędność formy i prostota wnętrza.Obecnie obiekt stanowi siedzibę charyzmatycznej parafii katolickiej .Kościół udostępnia swoje wnętrza na koncerty muzyki sakralnej i świeckiej.
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