Discover the best top things to do in Swabia, Germany including Marionettenoper Lindau, Jesuitenkirche Maria Verkundigung, St. Georg Dom, Fuggerei, Perlach Tower, Kloster der Dominikanerinnen, Lighthouse and Bavarian Lion Sculpture, Frauenkirche, Kirche Peter & Paul, Hochablass.
Restaurants in Swabia
5.0 based on 47 reviews
Unsere Philosophie: "Lebendiger als in der großen Oper" - Dieser Eintrag im Gästebuch bringt die Philosophie der Lindauer Marionettenoper auf einen Punkt. Wenn die Zuschauer vergessen, dass auf der Bühne "nur" Marionetten agieren, haben die Puppenspieler der Marionettenoper ihr Ziel erreicht. Erst wenn man glaubt, die Puppen atmen zu hören, in ihren Gesichtern Freude oder Traurigkeit, Glück oder Schmerz entdeckt, ist das Bewegungsspiel vollkommen. Den menschlichen Vorbildern möglichst nahe zu kommen, ist der Kern der Philosophie der Marionettenoper. Geschichte: Die Lindauer Marionettenoper wurde im Jahr 2000 von Bernhard Leismüller gegründet. Etwa 500 Marionetten hat Bernhard Leismüller inzwischen gebaut. Über 200.000 Zuschauer waren seither zu Gast. Das Ensemble zählt mittlerweile 14 Puppenspieler. Insgesamt arbeiten mehr als 20 Personen für die Marionettenoper. Sogar einen Förderverein gibt es. Die "Freunde der Lindauer Marionettenoper" sind auf über 200 Mitglieder angewachsen.
5.0 based on 6 reviews
Strolling around Mindelheim on a Wednesday afternoon, I dropped in to this beautiful church to light a candle and wonder at the beauty of the churches interior, the outside doesn't prepare you for the glory inside. Well worth a visit
4.5 based on 197 reviews
The most striking feature on this medieval Gothic church is its 300-foot bell tower, which towers over the village.
The vaunted German pedantry in maintaining the protocols of the City Council allows us to trace even the date of the decision on the construction of the Church. And okay would this was XX century. No, 17. Oktober 1427. The Church was built quite quickly according to medieval concepts. The choir was completed in 1451. The Foundation 90. towers in 1454. The tower itself was completed in 1490. The magnificent vault was built in 1505. However, the Catholics did not enjoy the beauty for long. Luther nailed his theses to the door of the Church in Wittenberg and the reformation began in Germany and the Church became Protestant by 1525. The Church survived the traditional three evils that threatened German churches: the Reformation, fires, and American bombers. Anabaptists not destroyed all interiors Church, the American bomb engulfed in Church 30 March 1945, but only one. It destroyed the "Steinmeyer" organ installed in 1889. For some reason, it is the organs are unlucky in this Church. A fire on 2 February 1974 destroyed the old 1610 organ. But the altar was preserved. Unfortunately, it is now under restoration and it is difficult to consider it. A mandatory item in the tourist program is a visit to the Church bell tower - Daniel's tower, which offers excellent views of the city and the crater in which the city stands.
4.5 based on 1,317 reviews
The world's oldest social settlement, this estate houses 200 impoverished Catholic tenants.
This is a lovely place to visit for everyone. It's the oldest social housing development in the world dating back to the 16th Century and was the concept of Jakob Fugger. It is still inhabited today and the people lucky enough to be allowed to live there pay 88 cents in rent and must be Catholics and willing to pray for the Fugger family. You can go into a ground floor apartment as it looks today as well as another one which looks like it did 200yrs ago. There is also a museum with lots of information about the Fugger family and a restaurant/cafe.
4.5 based on 236 reviews
A great experience. Climbing the stairs of the tower was a great experience, it really felt I was back in time. Once at the top the views of the city were magnificent. I for sure recommend you visit!
4.5 based on 13 reviews
4.5 based on 914 reviews
Stroll along Lake Constance and see the most incredible of the Austrian and Swiss Alps. June was a spectacular time to visit.
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