Discover the best top things to do in Roedovre, Denmark including Atlas Biograferne, Damhussoen, Heerup Museum, Ejbybunkeren, Rodovre Centrum, SuperEvent, Artillerimagsinet, Sovende Louis, Rodovre Bibliotek Bunker.
Restaurants in Roedovre
4.5 based on 52 reviews
Since the opening back in august 2013 I have been visiting this super nice cinema integrated in the shopping center, Rødovre Centrum. Surprisingly lot of space both inside the cinema as well as outside in the lobby. No one have to struggle for the armrest, for they are all double and of course extra legroom and nice comfortable chairs too.
4 based on 29 reviews
Beautiful lake to take a sunrise/sunset stroll. Treat yourself to ice-cream at the halfway point where there is a ice-cream snackshop. There's a little pier to walk on but watch out for the swans, they will literally run after you if provoked/if they sense a challenge. I visited summer 2016 when Pokémon Go was just released, so there were a ton of people walking and catching Pokémon, the place had a great family environment. Protip: Don't step on the bike path while taking pictures because you will get run over or scolded in very fast and harsh sounding Danish (this goes for all bike paths in general).
4 based on 25 reviews
I had expected a larger exhibition, a little tiny museum, quickly seen. The museum itself is only a room. But in a way lovely small and a very charming museum in beautiful surroundings. I missed a little more information about the individual pictures besides just the year, title and owner. Maybe a little pamphlet that was handed over at ticket purchases, which present more details evt. Outside the hall with both a selection of Heerup's pictures and changing Exhibitions, there is a café, a lovely cobbled courtyard and a museum garden with a view to Damhussøen. Cheap, disability friendly, manageable. Friendly staff. Nice little museum shop. Throughout Henry Heerup artistic career, he created art not only about but for the everyday man, the worker as well as the employee. The art should be understood and used. Henry Heerup's art is characterized by a very personal symbol and image style, which more or less goes through all of his life's work.
4 based on 25 reviews
Travel back in time and explore Cold War history in the labyrinthine hallways of the Ejby Bunker. Experience the exciting history of the Ejby Bunker, the West Rampart and Copenhagen's Fortifications through our digital and interactive installations that cast you in the lead role.
Cold war bunker in Roedovre, a subburb to Copenhagen. Part of a large defence batteri, agains the ememy in world war 1. Still in use up til 2004. It fun to see this labyrint of a bunker with great history
5 based on 7 reviews
Rødovre Centrum has got the most stores that you need. This was the very first shopping center in Denmark and offers free parking. Nice Cinema too
4.5 based on 7 reviews
Lokumsræs er sjovt!
Så hvis man skal lave noget firmarelateret, så skal det næsten prøves.
Der findes også mange andre aktiviteter.
4 based on 3 reviews
The Artillery Magazine is a part of the "Oplevelsescenter Vestvolden", the West Rampart Experience Centre. Here you will find a SMAL exhibition about the West Rampart (historical artifacts, models and pictures of the history) and a café. The openings hour is limited: Tuesday- Friday 9:00-15:00. Admission free. One can bring your own lunch in the café or sit outside at the table.
The magazine was originally build to store guns of Hvissinge Battery located just south of the building. The building now is a reconstruction.
The area is perfect for a walk and to explore the rampart. In 1920 the West Rampart stopped acting as a fortification.
4 based on 2 reviews
It's not easy to find him, Luis is sleeping on a very well hidden and quiet place, but you can join him and enjoy a nice picnic in the whereabouts. :)
4 based on 2 reviews
Trapper der førte ned under jorden
prikkede til min kvindelige nysgerrighed
og jeg måtte ind på Rødovre Hovedbiblioteket
så jeg kunne stille min tørst efter viden,
om denne mystiske trappe
mon førte ned til Underverden og floden Styx.
Nogle dage senere
mødte jeg op på plænen ved siden af trappen,
for jeg havde købt mig en billet til foredrag og rundvisning
i Rødovre Bibliotek Bunker som blev bygget i starten af 50erne,
fordi Den Kolde Krig var begyndt og man derfor frygtede
at det ville ende med den 3. Verdenskrig.
At se møbler jeg kan huske fra min barndom hos mine forældre
var da lidt sjovt (som at falde i en tidslomme)
men ellers var det ikke noget særligt ved den bunker
men så kunne den da kryds af min nysgerrigheds liste :-)
(En liste som jeg ikke vidste, at jeg havde lavet)
De tidligste James Bond film tager udgangspunkt i den kolde krig
- mest tydeligt i From Russia with Love.
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