The only real village and most of the population of the Los Roques National Park archipelago reside on its largest island, El Gran Roque. Visitors typically stay in converted fisherman's homes called posadas – which include meals in their rates – while indulging in the top-notch local scuba diving. The island itself is dotted with cacti and mangroves. A lighthouse erected in the late 1800s provides gorgeous views of the three western lagoons, particularly at sunset.
Restaurants in Isla El Gran Roque
4.5 based on 69 reviews
4.5 based on 623 reviews
In the recreational area of Los Roques there are three main keys that you can visit: Crasky, Madrisky and Fransisky. Crasky is incredible, but is relatively far (20 minutes) from Gran Roque and the regular boats routes do not include it, so if you want to go there you should rent a boat just for you. The second is Fransisky, which is located approximately at 7 to 8 minutes from Gran Roque. The place is very nice, having a shallow area in which you can enjoy the sea but with a low deep and without waves. Sadly, a lot of boats and yacht park there which implies a lot of music, noise and people. In addition there is a lot of Finally, there is Madrisky, which is around 5 to 6 minutes from Gran Roque and also having people is more quiet and enjoyable. Also at the north point of Madrisky you will find a nice place for snorkeling.
4.5 based on 155 reviews
Great 7 days with boat and guide - abundance of flats and fish - nice climate + great people + Boat rides are fast and pleasant - Thanks to Bonefishing Los Roques Fishing Charters.
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