Hradec Králové (Czech pronunciation: [ˈɦradɛts ˈkraːlovɛː] ( listen); German: Königgrätz) is a city of the Czech Republic, in the Hradec Králové Region of Bohemia. The city's economy is based on food-processing technology, photochemical, electronics manufacture and IT. Traditional industries include musical instrument manufacturing – the best known being PETROF pianos. The University of Hradec Králové is located in the city, the University of Defense has its only medical faculty in Hradec Králové and Charles University in Prague also has its Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové and Faculty of Pharmacy there.
Restaurants in Hradec Kralove
4.5 based on 103 reviews
I'm not big fun of climbing high, usually I leave towers or any other view points unnoticed, but I was very pleased to see White tower in Hradec from inside after renovation work and felt simply astonished there.
Whole tower is divided by several levels, all nicely light and sound up. Every level occupied with some useful informations presented in various forms. It felt very nice and special inside of tower and final level with round balcony allowed great view all over city and more. I was lucky to see some snow at distant mountain....
I do highly recommend White tower to all, I could assure you that you will not regret visit....
4.5 based on 29 reviews
Překrásný zámek, který má co nabídnout. Průvodkyně byla báječná. Zaujala celou skupinu i malé děti. Navíc u zámku je mini ZOO, ve které si můžete zakoupit krmivo pro zvířátka. Z nádvoří můžete vyjít do parku, kde najdete oboru s bílými daňky a jeleny, rybník, Růžovou a vodní zahradu.
4.5 based on 29 reviews
Medieval gotic church in Czech repuvlic is usually from sandstone. Holy Ghost Catedral is untipically from red bricks in so call silesian gotic. The only problem with visit is that the church has usually closed inner door and you can the interior observ only via window in this door.
4.5 based on 23 reviews
The building of museum is famouse architecture in individualistic moderne by Jan Kotera. In the museum are three big models of city - medieval, barogue fortress and contemporary. Near by is the Obecni dum building also by Kotera and next door by Josef Gocar. Modern architecture by Kotera and Gocar really interesting and it is worth to visit it.
4.5 based on 18 reviews
Hradec Kralove is a city under renovation... The White Tower is closed as so is this gallery. We were last here in 2000 so are very disappointed that we cannot visit. Hope it opens soon...
5 based on 9 reviews
Hradec Kralove Observatory is located on the southern outskirts of Hradec Kralove, stands on the crest of the city of New Hradec Kralove. Its basic construction took place in the years 1947-1961, is currently housed in the building of the Observatory also Solar and Ozone Observatory and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Since 2015, we have modern digital planet
If you like geography and you are at least a bit interested in science this is amazing palce for you! We had very nice presentation about the universe and I learnt a lot of new information. The presentation was leaded very professionally and the lecturer was very helpful and well educated.
4.5 based on 7 reviews
The forest around the monument is full of smaller monuments towards fallen soldiers. I really recommend you go there and take time to wander around the forest - just take care as you can get lost.
4.5 based on 6 reviews
The mini ZOO is really good fun for children as they can get really close to animals. Do not expect lots of exotic species, but for city children cuddling a goat can be a great experience. We spent the whole afternoon there and our kids were really happy there.
5 based on 3 reviews
Significant city theatre in Hradec Kralove, whose history stretches back to 1885.
Úzké uličky blízko Velkého náměstí v Hradci Králové Vás neomylně dovedou.Budova Klicperova divadla vítá diváky večerního představení lampami.Je noblesní i důvěrná zároveň.Podobná obřímu hrnci ,plnému chutí a vůní.Menu je repertoár.Je libo českou klasiku,mezinárodní exkurz nebo finger food?Třeba Richarda III.,tuto tragédii od Willia-
ma Shakespeara,v podání "na vidličku".To aby ji výživně spolkli i současní uživatelé internetu a sociálních sítí?Jaké blaho aplaudovat po konci tohoto představení vestoje a vychutnávat si sedm opon jako poděkování hercům a herečce na scéně i těm v zákulisí?Při hodinové cestě domů jsme vzrušeně diskutovali v autě.Doma načetli dostupné recenze.A prostudovali program až do dubna.Na co zajedeme příště?A co Vy?Klicperovu divadlu určitě přijdete na chuť!
5 based on 2 reviews
Jedná se jediný Adventure golf v České republice, který nabízí jak venkovní osmnáctijamkové hřiště, tak i kryté hřiště s dvanácti jamkami. U obou pak kvalitní občerstvení. Dále jsou v areálu golfové simulátory a multifunkční simulátory. Vhodné pro firemní akce.
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