Discover the best top things to do in Northwest Romania, Romania including Central Baia Mare Art Museum, COMPLEXUL ASTRONOMIC BAIA MARE, Ady Endre Memorial Museum, Museum of Jewish History in Oradea, Moon Church (Biserica cu Luna), Oradea State Theater (Teatrul de Stat Oradea), The Roman-Catholic Cathedral, Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance, Black Hawk (Vulturul Negru) Palace Arcade, Teatrul Nakional Lucian Blaga.
Restaurants in Northwest Romania
5.0 based on 12 reviews
5.0 based on 20 reviews
The presentation was very interesting. You can see the moon and the stars, also the constellation. I recommend this place.
5.0 based on 13 reviews
This is a very small museum dedicated to the life and art of Ady, probably the greatest modern Hungarian poet of the last century. The exhibits include objects used by the poet, like his desk or his hat. Objects related to the episodes of his love inspirations are also on show. The atmosphere of the small place brings you back one century, to the city of Nagyvárad (the name of Oradea at that time) the second largest city of Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century. Zoltán Imre, who was the keeper of the exhibition is a wonderful man. He made the objects live, and multiplied the impressions we got from the place itself. For example, to our question, what was the relation of Ady to the place where the museum is installed, he looked at his watch, and told us, at this time of the day, he would be sitting here, near this window, as this used to be a small confectionary, where he had written the draft of his articles... He told so many interesting episodes from the life of Ady...His knowledge was astonishing. I would love to read an Ady biography he authors which would include illustrations from the exihibits of the museum! He can make the explanation in Hungarian (the language of Ady's poetry) and Romanian for sure, I am unsure of other languages, but I strongly recommend this museum for art, literature, poetry and XXth century lovers.
5.0 based on 9 reviews
Words are not enough to describe this place. Pure emotion, or the saddest museum seen in Romania so far and yet a stark reminder of what hate could bring and why such horrible past must never repeat. A must for anyone willing to understand better that dark period. Very well organized and run.
4.5 based on 120 reviews
This name derives from the mechanism installed in the church tower in 1793. The clock and the moon are the work of George Rueppe, an innovative mechanic from Oradea. The mechanism rotating the moon is designed to make a full rotation on its axis in 28 days, thus indicating the moon phases, depending on the daily cycle marked by the clock mechanism. Inside the Moon Church you can visit a representative museum, with particularly beautiful Orthodox church-related objects.
The rotating moon installed in the church tower in 1793 gives this religious sanctuary its name and reputation. The mechanism is still working, enabling people to admire the diferent phases of the moon from accross the square. The church is also known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and it is a Christian-Orthodox church with intricate interiors.
4.5 based on 96 reviews
The State Theater dominates Ferdinand Square with its great façade. The construction, completed in 1900, presents a style apart from most other palaces in Oradea. An art connoisseur may notice neoclassical and neo-Renaissance decorative elements, as well as a Greek temple look of its splendid main entrance, with its peaked frontispiece, supported by Corinthian columns.
4.5 based on 69 reviews
Built in Baroque style, between 1751-1779, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is located on Şirul Canonicilor Street, inside the Park of the Baroque Complex, a space that also houses the Roman Catholic Episcopal Palace. Being in a very good state of preservation, both inside and outside, the building is distinguished by its exterior monumentality and by an intelligent exploitation of the interior space. All those who step on its doorstep and enter it will feel dominated by a deep state of mystical elevation, largely due to the play of light, shadow and color, but also the special effect of the altar. The pipe organ, still functional, was donated by Empress Maria Theresa. Adorable!
4.5 based on 332 reviews
IIf you are interested in this subject, than is the best place to enter in a somber world of the crimes of the communist regim. Schedule at least 3 hours for this visit, because there are lots of informations to see, read and listen.
4.5 based on 223 reviews
This ensemble of buildings is one of the monumental architectural works in Oradea and Transylvania, typical for the secession style. The architects Komor Marcell and Jakab Dezső won the contest for the construction of this complex. Two Jewish lawyers, Dr. Kurlander Ede and Dr. Emil Adorjan, decided to finance, using their own resources, the construction of a noteworthy building in Oradea. The work started in 1907, under the supervision of the civil engineer Sztarill Ferenc, and in December 1908 the building was completed. Consisting of two unequal and asymmetrical buildings, connected to a third one, placed in the middle and more isolated, the complex housed a theatre, ballrooms, a casino and offices. The Y-shaped gallery (passage) has three entrances. The Vittorio Emanuele Gallery in Milan inspired the glass-covered interior. The gallery or the Passage, as the local people know it, concentrates the most popular bars, coffee houses and pubs in the city, being the entertainment high spot of the city.
The whole square is very well renovated, and the Black Eagle is the "jewel in the crown". Too bad a lot of space inside the palace is not rented - the costs are probably too high. Otherwise, everything is wonderful. The decorative elements, in Art-Nouveau style, have been carefully reconditioned, and the three stained glass windows, with the eagle symbol, look impeccable. Recently, a public parking lot was inaugurated on the left side of the "Black Eagle". This area must be visited step by step.
4.5 based on 143 reviews
After a day of strolling through the city, a delightful evening of theater, opera, operetta or ballet.
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