Top 10 Motels in Yangshuo County, China

May 12, 2023 Phylicia Berquist

Yangshuo offers breathtakingly beautiful scenery, particularly along the hill-lined Li River, which you can tour by cruise boat or, if you’re feeling primitive, by bamboo raft. Streets in Yangshuo are kept in their original style, preserving the layout of the ancient city. Savory local specialties like beer fish and shatian shaddocks are served on West Street, one of the town's liveliest thoroughfares. Kids will adore the local butterfly cave.
Restaurants in Yangshuo County

1. Yangshuo Mountain Top Retreat

No. 57 Dongling Road, Dongling Community, Yangshuo County 541999 China
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 25 reviews

Yangshuo Mountain Top Retreat

Surrounded by karst topography and boasting beautiful Li River views, Mountain Top Retreat is located in Yangshuo. 10 minutes’ drive from the historical Yangshuo West Street, the property offers a silent accommodation environment and a rooftop swimming pool for guests to enjoy. Mountain Top Retreat is a 1.5-hour drive from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport and Guilin Railway Station.

A peaceful retreat in a beautiful natural setting

Reviewed By MitchVazquez

We had the luxury twin room D15. The view is open all the way down to the mountains, through the window. The bed is very firm but we had a good night rest. Seeing the landscape directly from your bed with a view over the beautiful mountains is breath taking.  The pool is nice and we used it a couple of times. We had a late pick-up for our flight on the last day and we checked out at noon, but used the pool and restaurant in the afternoon. Overall, we had a wonderful time here and would come back again. We are so glad that we didn't book a hotel in Yangshuo downtown- it is so busy and noisy there, where as Mountain Top Retreat is tranquil and relaxing. Highly recommended!

2. Rongyi Hepan Inn

No. 19 New Street, Xingping Town, Yangshuo County China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 2 reviews

Rongyi Hepan Inn

Finding an ideal motel in Yangshuo County does not have to be difficult. Welcome to Rongyi Hepan Inn, a nice option for travelers like you. Given the close proximity to Xianggong Mountain (2.9 mi), guests of Rongyi Hepan Inn can easily experience one of Yangshuo County's most popular landmarks. Rooms at Rongyi Hepan Inn offer air conditioning providing exceptional comfort and convenience, and guests can go online with free wifi. Baggage storage is one of the conveniences offered at this motel. An on-site restaurant will also help to make your stay even more special. If you are driving to Rongyi Hepan Inn, there is free private parking available nearby. Travelers looking for a place to eat close to Rongyi Hepan Inn can head to Ganga Indian Restaurant (0.1 mi), which is within walking distance. Plus, during your trip, don’t forget to check out some of the popular architectural buildings, such as Tengjiao Temple and Ancient Fortress. Rongyi Hepan Inn looks forward to welcoming you on your visit to Yangshuo County.


Reviewed By 旅行摄影师冉静

来到阳朔的第一站,我们去了人少安静的兴坪古镇,这里是漓江上一颗璀璨的明珠,位于阳朔县东北部,距县城27公里。20元人民币的背面图景就是在这里拍摄的,可以体验到漓江最精华的部分,感受最原始的风景。还记得五年前来的时候,我们只是路过,这次特意抽了两天时间在这里停留。 交通 1、乘车:在阳朔汽车站乘至兴坪的班车,10分钟/班,不用排队买票,上车后买票,车费10元,车程约40分钟;2、漂流:漓江杨堤至兴坪,上岸后即可到达兴坪古镇。 来到古镇,需要步行一条长1公里多的街道。这里还没有完全被商业化,居住的大部分都是本地居民。那些老房子仿佛在向世人展示这千年历尽的沧桑,随处可见古砖瓦陶瓷残片,让人不禁怀旧起来,被时光磨得光滑的青石板,更显阳朔的原汁原味。步行大概五分钟左右,就到了我们早已预订好的民宿-榕忆小住。地址:桂林市阳朔县兴坪镇新街19号 转角进去的时候看见这个房子里是售卖棉麻衣物的,还以为走错地方了,这时走来一位穿着棉袍的女子微笑的说:你们是要入住吗?往里走就是咱们家的客房了。 哇奥,这也太酷了吧!昏暗的通道就像时光隧道一样一下子把我们拉回小时候的那个年代。 穿过头顶挂着的几个旧鱼篓和老木椅板凳,眼前的灯光突然明亮起来,仿佛又到了另一番天地。 这就像从旧时代(老房子)一下子穿越回到现代(新楼)一样,太有视觉冲击力了。 民宿的设计亦都市亦田园,亦简约亦复古,满满的文艺感。 每个细节都彰显女主人的用心:她像家却不是家,她比家更舒适,比家更惊艳。 我想用“左手繁华,右手诗意。古镇清流,兴坪榕忆!”形容这里最适合不过了! 这里摆放的茶叶、手工香皂都是可以作为伴手礼买回家的。 一年有12个月份,这里刚好12间房,所以主人把这里的房子以12个月份命名,每间房都有独特的个性。 走过木楼梯就到客房区了,这家有专门运送行李的电梯,只需要在客房处等待即可,非常方便。 房型的选择有很多,家庭房、大床房、双人间,每一间都可以沐浴到最温暖的阳光。 连被子上都是被阳光晒过的味道.......我们当时选择了景观很赞的五月豪华河畔大床房,这里有占据整面墙的落地大窗,风景极佳。感觉一整天即使哪里也不去,在这里看书品茶也能安安静静地过上一天。床品的品质很好,软软的,可以舒适入眠。在这里完全可以放慢脚步,感受自然。超爱房内配的大浴缸,可以静静的泡个热水澡,舒缓疲惫的身躯,真是泡澡赏景两不误。配的椰子味的浴盐,也是我喜欢闻的味道。另外,这家民宿提倡环保理念,建议自带洗漱用品,如果没带的话,在走廊的木柜里领取即可。卫浴全是使用的国际大品牌,住了那么多高星级酒店,第一次发现马桶盖也是热的,在寒冷的冬季来说真是太有必要了,光这一点我也要为暖心的房主打CALL。 除了常规的洗发水沐浴露,还准备了洗衣液,贴心至极。 房间的整体造型是木质结构,有一种家的温馨感。 连我爸都夸我这次住宿预订的好,是他喜欢的风格。 哈哈哈,作为乖女儿的我这时候给他泡了一杯茶端过来,脸上笑的可开心了。 对了,一楼还有一个古香古色的茶室,也适合打发时光。下午我和爸爸坐在这里看书的时候,还遇见了民宿主人-老莫。她说这里每天都有丰富的活动,还盛情邀请了我们去天台一起喝下午茶。恭敬不如从命,我和老爸便一起去了。话说,这个通往天台的楼梯也设计的很别致呢。 天台可以360度俯瞰古镇美景,茶室容纳8-15人完全没问题,很适合朋友小聚。时间停驻,岁月静好,老莫说这个天台也是兴坪最适合观赏日出日落的好地方。整个古镇青砖黑瓦的屋顶,全都尽收眼底,爱死了这里的多肉,摆放的很艺术感。 我也拿着飞机在这里航拍了一张,用上帝的视角看兴坪,真是依山傍水、风景秀丽。 父亲说住在这里真是幸福呀,每天都能享受到大自然的滋养,估计这里的人肯定都很长寿。我说你要是喜欢,住多久都没问题,哈哈哈,他说得回去上班,明年继续再来吧。阳朔的人喜欢喝油茶,所以这里下午茶必不可少的就是油茶,全是现准备的原材料。 一口小铁锅,一把小木棰,再将铁锅烧热,加少量素油,推入葱段、姜片、蒜头熬香,放入用清水略泡过的土茶......我们亲眼目睹了这个过程,还真是有趣。打号的油茶加上葱花,放点油氽花生米,香味四溢,茶色似咖啡,红绿点其间,一喝为快。老伯给我们一人舀了一碗,来来来,那就一起干了这碗油茶吧。榕忆天台下午茶,可以说是中西合璧了,喝完油茶等待我们的还有各种中式糍粑和西式糕点。 喝茶之余,老莫还分享了几张手机里的照片给我们,这景致真是像水墨画一般令人陶醉。 特别是遇见雾天的时候,云雾缭绕,简直宛如仙境。如果你喜欢安静,这里真的很值得待几天,或许每天邂逅的风景都不一样,一定能愉悦到你的心情。临近黄昏,我们一行人又约着去徒步去20元人民币景观处打卡,观夕阳,渔翁拍摄。 据说这里的渔翁老伯,好几位都上过央视,名气可高了,是当地的渔翁"名模"。

3. Serene Cove Hotel

No. 131, Jiu Village, Yulonghe Scenic Spot, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 1 reviews

Serene Cove Hotel

Fantastic home stay

Reviewed By 0saraho

The owners and staff were so welcoming and could not do enough for us. Including cooking an extra meal for us when we came in late and driving us into town whenever we needed. The breakfasts and afternoon teas were so fresh, tasty and varied each day from traditional Chinese to western food. Our room was clean and very comfortable , with great views of the hills and local village, the sunset spectacular. We loved the location of the village . I would stay at Serene Cove again if in the area

4. West Street Taste Impress Holiday House

Mount Shutong, Mushan Village, Tianyuan Road, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 1 reviews

West Street Taste Impress Holiday House

Everyone needs a place to lay their weary head. For travelers visiting Yangshuo County, West Street Taste Impress Holiday House is an excellent choice for rest and rejuvenation. Well-known for its proximity to great restaurants and attractions, West Street Taste Impress Holiday House makes it easy to enjoy the best of Yangshuo County. Guest rooms offer air conditioning, a seating area, and a desk, and West Street Taste Impress Holiday House makes getting online easy as free wifi is available. You can also take advantage of some of the amenities offered by the motel, including a 24 hour front desk, room service, and a concierge. In addition, guests can enjoy an on-site restaurant during their visit. As an added convenience, there is parking available to guests. Close to some of Yangshuo County's most popular landmarks, such as Big Banyan Tree (0.4 mi) and Omeida Chinese Academy Language Course (1.7 mi), West Street Taste Impress Holiday House is a great destination for tourists. Yangshuo County has plenty of pubs. So when you’re here, be sure to check out popular spots like Bad Panda Hostel and Rooftop Bar, MONKEY JANE ROOF TOP BAR, and the DMZ bar, which are serving up some great dishes. Should time allow, West Street, Yangshuo Park, and Green Lotus Peak (Bilian Peak) are some popular attractions that are within walking distance. West Street Taste Impress Holiday House is sure to make your visit to Yangshuo County one worth remembering.


Reviewed By boluopi123

很喜欢这家店的位置,在印象刘三姐旁边,晚上还可以看印象刘三姐的演出,免费的哦~~ 早上听着小鸟的叫声起床,一觉睡到自然醒的感觉真好!!!! 在淘宝看了这家店,发现还有团购。 店家是广东人,做的烧鹅和啤酒鱼都很好吃~~~

5. Wangshan Qiju Hostel

No. 70,Egendi Village, Xingping Town, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 11 reviews

Wangshan Qiju Hostel

6. Yangshuo Xingping Island Resort

No. 19 Liandaowan Village, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 12 reviews

Yangshuo Xingping Island Resort

Located on an island in the XingPing Town, our resort has made it the best place to enjoy a panoramic view of idyllic LiRiver. It features free Wi-Fi, a restaurant, a tearoom, a rooftop bar and pleasant rooms with modern facilities. Our restaurant offer fresh and organic food and local dishes, as well as western cuisine. At daytime, there are lots of activities in the area, such as biking and hiking. We can show you different routes to enjoy the beautiful sceneries. At night, you can grab a beer and go up to the rooftop with your family and lover, to have a little chit-chat under the starry night.

Family run hotel in an idyllic location

Reviewed By Thatinalux

This family run hotel (not really a resort) is reached by taking a ferry for the 3-minute crossing from Xing Ping and then the buggy to the hotel. Being in a relative remote location, the advantage is that it has wonderful views of the karst hills, is close to villages and the river is at its footstep. There are possibilities for short and longer hikes directly from the hotel. The only disadvantage is that it is not close to any town and travelling to Guilin requires a big detour via Yangshuo. The hotel has a beautiful roof terrace with a bar with wonderful views where snacks and soft drinks are available all day. Our room was big and beautifully furnished but there was no wardrobe or safe and it was partly in need of painting. The bathroom was very spacious. We had a large balcony with chairs and a small table. Our whole front window had a fantastic view of the karst hills across the river. The breakfast and dining room lacks all charm but there is a romantic breakfast terrace at the foot of a karst hill that can be used if it is not raining. The breakfast choice was limited but there was a large menu for lunch and dinner with very tasty food. Few members of staff spoke English but we were able to communicate with gestures and with the help of our guide. We stayed in a River view deluxe room for 3 nights.

7. Magnotel Guilin Yangshuo West Street

No. 165 Pantao Road, Yangshuo County China
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 6 reviews

Magnotel Guilin Yangshuo West Street

super location, decent hotel

Reviewed By pyt_go_girl

I would consider this a boutique hotel in a super convenient location just off of West St. It's right around the corner from a busy bustling street full of beer fish restaurants (that's Yangshuo's claim to fame), gift shops, clothing stores. Its about 15 minutes walk to West St where there is a modern mall that has Starbucks. Rooms are quite decent and comfortable and clean enough. I would say that this is slightly lower in rating compared to Holiday Inn but has a more boutique fee to it with its smallish front desk. They have free laundry but only a washer. You need to bring your clothes upstairs to the room to dry them. I passed since it was raining that day. Would stay here again. You can have breakfast for 20 or 30 RMB cant remember but we had early starts so can't comment. Front desk did end up giving us a free coupon but we did no avail. NIce sized rooms and bathrooms for us 2 ladies and they were cleaned well every time that we returned.

8. Shanying Holiday Hotel

No. 83 Zhudouzhai Village, Yangshuo County China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 2 reviews

Shanying Holiday Hotel

有颜有料 超越期待的精品民宿

Reviewed By 克劳德sama

该酒店实为仅有十几间房的民宿,位于阳朔颇有名气的景区十里画廊内,玩人气项目遇龙河漂流实在是方便,离阳朔西街也不大远,酒店提供阳朔县城免费接送服务,但每房晚仅限2次,记得有规划的使用。 因有外籍设计师操刀,酒店外观与内装呈现均不俗,简洁干练又略带金属气质的风格也经得起推敲,不是东拼西凑什么风格都想搞进来的做法。进门就是一个让人眼前豁然开朗的庭院,满是设计感与新奇感的民宿探索就此开始。 酒店内部满目届时设计巧思,天台的彩虹水景和地下放映厅很是出彩。在天台放眼能观赏到阳朔甲天下的山景。略微遗憾的是独木难成林,酒店自身素质不俗,但周边房屋破败萧条,为典型农村景象,在客房及顶层天台观景,整体画面并不优异。 极具工业质感的楼梯也很能出片,这家酒店说不定以后会成为网红酒店呢。 书吧与酒店仅有的餐厅连通,设有免费的自助茶水及水果,在这里看看书、品品茶,过上当地慢生活也蛮好。 酒店服务其实很好,工作人员有诚心诚意服务客户的心,但缺点是跟得太紧,搞得作为客户的我们反而好像在疲于应付他们的询问,这也是非标民宿的通病。希望该酒店能优化主客交互机制,适时对“客户”放养,才是合适的操作方式。 客房部分也是惊喜满满,现代时尚、明亮简洁、舒适便捷等赞美之词用在这里毫不为过,只是客房面积过小,实在是不应该,这里并非寸土寸金之地。 次日的早餐也是有模有样,主食的摆盘、口味和品质都超越我们期待,豆浆、牛奶、水果、面包等还可自助食用。伴着鸟语花香来份超大满足感的早餐,再去十里画廊骑骑单车、坐坐竹筏游漓江吧。 陪我探店无数且欧洲东南亚游遍的老母亲都感叹,此酒店着实是花费了老板一番心血。酒店基础房也不贵,值得爱生活、爱旅游的人们来一探究竟。

9. Mangguo Yishu

No. 15 Chengbei Road, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 2 reviews

Mangguo Yishu

Welcome to Mangguo Yishu, your Yangshuo County “home away from home.” Mangguo Yishu aims to make your visit as relaxing and enjoyable as possible, which is why so many guests continue to come back year after year. Nearby landmarks such as Former Residence of Xu Beihong (0.2 mi) and Green Lotus Peak (Bilian Peak) (0.5 mi) make Mangguo Yishu a great place to stay when visiting Yangshuo County. As your “home away from home,” the motel rooms offer a flat screen TV and air conditioning. Guests have access to room service and baggage storage while staying at Mangguo Yishu. While visiting Yangshuo County, you may want to try some dumplings at one of the nearby restaurants, such as Cloud 9 Restaurant, Pure Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant, or Lucy's Cafe & Bar. Looking to explore? Then look no further than West Street (0.3 mi), Omeida Chinese Academy Language Course (1.2 mi), and Yangshuo Park (0.9 mi), which are some popular Yangshuo County attractions – all conveniently located within walking distance of the motel. Mangguo Yishu puts the best of Yangshuo County at your fingertips, making your stay both relaxing and enjoyable.


Reviewed By hugefomei

诚意推荐一下上周末去阳朔住的民宿[芒果忆墅],阳朔民宿的老板有好多世外高人,芒果家的老板一个是牛逼的户外玩家兼摄影师,还有一个是火火的芒果帮的主理人。 有两家店,我住的忆墅在漓江边,靠近县政府和徐悲鸿故居,依山傍水,靠近码头,中午11:00以后机动车限行,非常安静。 另一家美墅在县城另一边,靠近桂林千古情。 早在网上看到这家民宿颜值超高,墨绿色的高级美,早早就自己准备了一身白裙子,给佛妹准备了一身黄色连衣裙,就等我家御用摄影师发挥给我们拍套墨绿底色的写真。 结果,计划不如变化,摄影师临时出差放我们鸽子,然后换了老弟随我西下…… 千言万语汇成一句话,我的照片没拍出这家民宿的美。

10. Bixingju Hotel

No.40 Bilian Lane, Yangshuo County 541900 China
Overall Ratings

5 based on 2 reviews

Bixingju Hotel

Bixingju Hotel is an excellent choice for travelers visiting Yangshuo County, offering a budget friendly environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. Close to some of Yangshuo County's most popular landmarks, such as Former Residence of Xu Beihong (0.6 mi) and Green Lotus Peak (Bilian Peak) (0.6 mi), Bixingju Hotel is a great destination for tourists. You’ll enjoy relaxing rooms that offer air conditioning, a seating area, and a desk, and you can stay connected during your stay as Bixingju Hotel offers guests free wifi. The motel features a 24 hour front desk, room service, and baggage storage. Plus, Bixingju Hotel offers an on-site restaurant, providing a pleasant respite from your busy day. During your visit, be sure to check out one of Yangshuo County's popular dumplings restaurants such as Cloud 9 Restaurant, Pure Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant, and Lucy's Cafe & Bar, all a short distance from Bixingju Hotel. If you are interested in exploring Yangshuo County, check out an ancient ruins, such as Fuli Ancient Town. Enjoy your stay in Yangshuo County!

close to west street

Reviewed By MeuterMedia

Nice surprice for around 200 yuan street side, mountain side more expansive and a little smaller rooms. elevator higher floors 5 and up. some construction next door. new everything, but they also have an older building next door. make sure you get the new building! room 356 on 5th floor. highly recommended. short walk to west street. pick up service until 8 pm. everything great. meutermedia

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