Discover the best Japanese Pensions in Shima, Mie Prefecture, Tokai, Chubu including Sunperla Shima, B&B Forest Shima, Gourmet Pension Aoi Umi, Ichiraku Onsen Hotel, Therapy Resort Ise-shima, Anori Seaside Hotel, Resort Park Tomoyama.
Restaurants in Shima
4 based on 56 reviews
5 based on 2 reviews
We had an absolutely delightful stay at B&B Forest Shima. It's definitely off the beaten tourist track for non-Japanese and needs a car. But we were touring around Mie prefecture for a week and made B&B Forest Shima our base for 3 nights. The whole facility gives the impression of what used to be a much larger hotel complex that has reduced it's scope to a simple B&B, but still has the grander facilities and space. It's run by a really nice couple with a young daughter. They both speak some english, with the wife being very fluent and the husband also more than willing and able to help in English. Communication by email before the stay was great, with all our questions answered within 24 hours. The area is very quiet and peaceful. It seems to be mostly holiday houses and a golf resort on the peninsula, but traffic is very low and we couldn't really see any sign of the golf resort due to the nice forestation. We even saw a Tanuki (Japanese Raccoon) on the road at night (thankfully scurrying off the road). The rooms are absolutely ginormous and we were taken aback by the split level space with four beds. We were only two people, but the layout would be absolutely perfect for a family of four (or more, I think the downstairs area can sleep more people). The photos also don't do justice to the large bathroom and toilet space. The room's bath (kind of redundant with the Onsen in the same building) was made of Hinoki wood and is gorgeously deep. Most of the clientele did seem to be young families and the kids would run around the play areas. There's kind of a kids den and also a Ping Pong room (which we had fun playing with). Breakfast each day had three options which we chose the evening before. They were things like ham and egg sandwiches, a hot dog, Cinamon toast, French toast, boiled eggs. Not massive, but good to start the day. The kitchen is also available to guests in the evening if you want to prepare something. While saw families tuck into a Nabe meal, and we made use of the communal microwave one night to heat up some supermarket food. The closest town is about a 5 minute drive away, and has several good restaurants, including the most awesome seafood experience of our lives (see our review of Daikazoku in Ugata). Ask the B&B for recommendations. The Onsen at B&B Forest Shima was a nice surprise. It's large and comparable to what we've seen in much larger hotels in Japan and very clean. No need to cosy up to your fellow bathers. We mostly had it to ourselves early morning and late evening, but we did see the families making good use of it every night, marching the kids down for their baths! Separate for men and women of course. It's a bit more remote than I initially thought. Ise Shrine (perhaps the most important Shinto Shrine in Japan) is 50 minutes drive away although it looks close on the map. We also enjoyed a day trip along the Pearl Road, taking in Tobu Aquarium (another review). Value for money it's really superb. We'd just come from Kyoto, and the difference in room size, space, friendliness, cost was night vs day. Long story short -- if you are touring Japan in a car, particularly with a young family, or want some rest and relaxation, please consider B&B Forest Shima.
3.5 based on 2 reviews
民宿や旅館が多いエリアかと思いますが、少し毛色が違い、ご夫婦でされているペンションです。手ごろな2食付きのプランにしましたが、ボリュームも十分あり、海鮮を使いつつも家庭的な料理で好感が持てました。朝食は絶妙な火加減のオムレツで、朝はパン派には良いかも。 お風呂は部屋のユニットバスですが、近くの旅館・ホテルの露天風呂を有料で利用できます。歩いて10分、車で数分の「宝来荘」か、目の前の「鯨望荘」と提携しているようで、大人900円程度(子供は半額)で立ち寄り湯として利用できます。「宝来荘」を利用しましたが、太平洋を望むいい露天風呂を楽しめました。 伊勢神宮からは車で50分、パルケエスパーニャには車で30分のロケーションです。
4 based on 1 reviews
高齢の母をつれて夫婦と娘の4人で和洋室に宿泊しました。 ゆったりしたベット2つの寝室と和室もゆったり。4人利用には満足です。オーシャンビューの眺めで朝日が昇るところが見えました。 予約をしてから中華料理と気が付き、高齢の母が食べられるか心配しました。中華料理は脂っこくて辛いイメージがあったのです。 夕食は大広間でとりました。フランス料理のように一品づつ運ばれてきました。中華料理なのに今朝、漁師さんが採ってきて、さっきまで生きていたという大きな伊勢えびのお造りにはテンションがあがりました。中華料理というより、和洋風中華の創作料理のようで、どのお料理もとてもおいしくいただきました。 温泉浴場はロビーを出た別棟にありました。広い浴室ではありませんでしたが、時間帯のためか私たちしかいなくて貸切家族風呂のようでした。浴室に行く階段に高齢の母には手すりがほしいかなと思いました。 朝食は美味しいお味噌汁と鮪漬け丼を満喫。ホテルの庭を散策。海辺に露天風呂がありました。暖かい季節には庭でバーベキューをしたり、水着で海を眺めての露天風呂ができるそうです。孫たちがもう少し成長したらみんなでわいわい過ごすのも楽しいだろうな。海の水がとてもきれいで、魚が泳いでいるのがみえました。シュノーケリングとかダイビングとか釣りとかで遊べると子ども連れが楽しめるように思いました。
3 based on 11 reviews
3 based on 9 reviews
This is a quiet get-away with a great seaside view. The hotel, especially the lobby, could do with a major renovation, however. The baths were relaxing, and the rooms were very spacious, with free tea-service and comfortable futons. We didn`t eat at the restaurant, so I can`t comment on the food. There is plenty of parking, and there are cold-water showers adjacent to the parking lot that you can use to rinse off your surfing gear. This place is a 5-minute drive away from the Anorisaki Lighthouse.
2.5 based on 10 reviews
初めてわんこ2匹と泊まれる宿を探してこちらなら一軒家で露天風呂付きだったので楽しみにして行ったのですが残念でしかないです。 敷地内は広いですが草が伸び放題でナンバープレートの無い車が所々放置してありチェックインした本館も薄暗い感じでした。 泊まる一軒家も古く床はギシギシ楽しみにしていた露天風呂も星空どころかボロボロになった柵と木々が覆い茂っており景色どころではありませんでした。 楽しみのご飯ももずくなどは冷凍焼けした味がして刺身も生臭かったです。 伊勢海老も出ましたが刺身ではなく加熱して煮付けみたいになっており煮付けの味も美味しくなかったので伊勢海老が勿体なかったです。 白米もパサパサしており不味かったです。 このGWで私達が行った時に食堂にお客様が他2組しか居なかったのも納得です。 キャンセル料取られても帰るべきでした。 せっかくの旅行が台無しです。 2度と行かないですし絶対に進めません。
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