The 6 best hotels in Vyshgorod District, Ukraine

December 1, 2022 Deane Carmody

Discover the best hotels in Vyshgorod District, Kiev Oblast including Gintama-Breeze Holiday Village, Vyshegrad Castle Hotel, Holiday Hotel Glebovka, Goodlife Park, Morewell, Try Simky.

1. Gintama-Breeze Holiday Village

Urochyshche Zelenyi bir 8, Hlibivka 07333 Ukraine
Overall Ratings

3.5 based on 37 reviews

Gintama-Breeze Holiday Village

Nice remote zone for rest

Reviewed By Eleonor F

Wonderful nature far-faraway from big cities. On a seaside, with pretty view from cottages. I think that the place is really wonderful in summer time, but I use to be here two times in winter. And both times was inspired by the nature, and by the sea. So the place is worth to have some rest, for retreats, team buildings, conferences, or just for small or extra large companies of friends. Ah! Pet friendly. It is a great plus for us with two adult dachshunds. The only minus was quite mediocre breakfast. It seemed to be just reheated.

2. Vyshegrad Castle Hotel

Spasskaya Street 25, Vyshhorod 07300 Ukraine
Overall Ratings

3 based on 32 reviews

Vyshegrad Castle Hotel

Excellent cuisine, welcome reception and European level of service - a visiting card of our establishments. Built in the style of a castle, this hotel offers airplane rides, can organize skydiving, excursion. It features a SPA with a pool, and traditional cuisine is served in the restaurant. The rooms at Vyshegrad Castle Hotel are individually decorated, and feature heated floors and satellite TV. Toiletries, slippers and a hairdryer are provided in the private bathroom. The price includes breakfast for two. For those in the category of VIP, the visit to the SPA-complex is free of charge. The medieval-style restaurant features unique wall paintings, and serves Ukranian and European cuisine. Guest can dine on the roof terrace, enjoy a drink at the bar and large BBQ area. Kiev city center is a 30-minute drive from the hotel, and Boryspil Internation Airport is a 55-minute drive away. A shuttle service is available, guests enjoy free private parking.

Last minute hotel stay

Reviewed By Marie O

Travelled to Vyshgorod on a whim to check out the snowboarding hill nearby and turned up without a booking. Staff were friendly and helpful throughout, with enough English for us to communicate. They even managed to find us a cheaper room than standard with an extra bed with no hassle. The stay was very cheap even by local standards between the three of us, and the room had a heated tile floor with a clean, spacious bathroom. Even the bar had cheap beer including draft and food including breakfast which we indulged in every day. The decor is amazing, like a castle inside. Location was good for Vyshgorod where there is a single ski hill by the lake (magic carpet lift, maybe 150 hryvnia for 4 hours) and a town containing bars, restaurants, shops and supermarkets including a large Billa. Its maybe 15 miles from Kiev. Only negative was that for the use of the sauna and pool onsite we were told we had to pay, and it wasn't a little. Using the pool for an hour with the three of us would have cost 1500 hryvnia- three times the cost of the room and £60 with the exchange rate at the time.

3. Holiday Hotel Glebovka

Urochyshe Zelenyi Bir 9 Glebovka, Hlibivka 07033 Ukraine
Overall Ratings

3.5 based on 42 reviews

Holiday Hotel Glebovka

The Holiday Hotel "Glebovka" is open the year round and all those wishing can rent a house or a room here for as long as they like. Some of our customers prefer to rent a house for the whole year; others only come for a weekend. But anyone who has been to Glebovka Hotel at least once cannot help coming here over and over again. We are pleased to welcome you to our Holiday Hotel "Glebovka". We are looking forward to meeting you and we will do our best to make your stay at our hotel most pleasant and comfortable. Clean air, lots of greenery, an outdoor pond, outdoor activities, remoteness from the hustle and bustle of city life and at the same time a reasonable proximity to the city as the main market, major infrastructure amenities needed for a comfortable stay and a full range of services are the indispensable building blocks underpinning the concept of a really good holiday hotel. However, there are two things that count more than anything else and these are the size of the hotel grounds and the quality of the surrounding environment. The Holiday Hotel "Glebovka" complex consists of 31 one and two-story wooden houses, the "Golden Stream" Hotel with a restaurant, conference halls, a spa area (with a pool, a fitness center, etc.), And the restaurant "Lighthouse". The Hotel occupies an area of around 6 hectares. Cozy Finnish cottages are equipped with fireplaces, modern domestic appliances, and wooden furniture and successfully combine the environmental integrity and exoticism of a hunter's cabin lost in the Yukon wilderness described in Jack London's stories with the exquisite comfort of an upscale hotel. Accommodation: The Holiday Hotel "Glebovka" guests are provided with accommodation in 27 detached cottages of "Comfort", "Medium", and "VIP" class with 1, 2, or 3 bedrooms, which are rented out on an entire cottage per guest basis. The "Golden Stream" Hotel is a two storey building with a porch and a fireplace room. It has 18 rooms: 12 standard class rooms and 6 standard-comfort rooms (with 2 of them having a sauna). The Shamrock Building is a house of unique architecture which is made of rare species of wood. The second floor has three junior suites. There is an open-air porch where you can take a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy not only the flavor of your drink but also a breath of fresh air. Infrastructure: The Holiday Hotel "Glebovka" offers to you a 100-seat restaurant "Lighthouse", grill houses, two Finnish saunas, an indoor 25-meter long swimming pool, table tennis, an open-air tennis court, a mini-football ground, fishing facilities, and a secure parking lot. Conference-service: For confidentiality reasons organizers of conferences, seminars, business meetings and negotiations are offered separate premises, among them, conference halls "Winter Garden" (for 100 persons), "Chief Cabin" (seating 40 people) . Available equipment: flip charts, a screen, and a LCD TV set. Recently, a new restaurant "Lighthouse" opened on the recreation camp grounds. The restaurant offers the best dishes of the European, Ukrainian and Georgian cuisines. The chef carefully selects all products using only fresh food ingredients and unique recipes to cook all dishes listed in the menu. The restaurant is located on a picturesque bank of the Kiev Sea, and at dinnertime restaurant visitors can enjoy not only its excellent cuisine, but a wonderful view as well. The Holiday Hotel "Glebovka" was awarded the title of the "Best holiday hotel of Ukraine in 2012", "Best holiday hotel of Ukraine in 2013". Guests can pay for hotel services by credit card: MasterCard, Visa.

Not a good experience at all.

Reviewed By F9796LGemmak

Not even want to double check, not even friendly. Be aware if you do decide to go there, as this isn't the first time I've been experiencing issues with the bill. They know they had a problem but anyone gave you an apologize. We leave without dinner. There wasn’t full. I don’t want to know in summer (((

4. Goodlife Park

Damba Kyyivsʹkoho Vodoskhovyshcha, Lebedivka 07360 Ukraine
Overall Ratings

1 based on 1 reviews

Goodlife Park

Хорошо начали, плохо закончили

Reviewed By Alexandra_sem7

В июне 2020 года мы решили вырваться из карантина и постараться отдохнуть за городом. Изначально планировали только 1 ночь, но потом решили остаться и на второю. В этом была ошибка. Переночевав и приняв решение остаться (уж больно понравилась природа), нас переселили в другой номер, в котором собственно всё началось. Сначала поразило количество пыли. В номерах явно не убирали давно. Белые носки становились черными спустя пару шагов. На кровати слой пыли. Ну ладно, мы поехали в город и вернулись в 14:00; поскольку на улице было +40 хотелось принять душ и полежать под кондиционером, но нет: света, воды, интернета не было. Более того, мобильной связи тоже. Как сообщила менеджер (попутно успев убедить, что «в течение часа ситуация будет исправлена) «свет отключил Вышгород и мы ведём переговоры». Удивительно, но разве это проблемы гостей? Ладно, прождали час. Опять нервно звоним админу, на этот раз сказали ждать ещё 15 минут. Через 40 минут появилась электроэнергия. Немного остыв, мы пошли покупаться в озеро на территории комплекса (кстати, это единственный плюс: чистая вода, песчаный пляж, хвойный лес). По возвращению в номере в ванной ожидал сюрприз. С потолка во всю капала вода. Тут уже меня одолела злость. Заплатив немаленькие деньги на отдых отеле якобы высокого класса, никак не ожидаешь потратить кучу нервов на такие сюрпризы. Я снова позвонила на ресепшн и попросила вызвать управляющего и электрика. Первым (через минут 15) приехал электрик, который стал рассказывать «такое могло случиться со всеми и это вообще пустяк»; ещё через минут 10 прибыл управляющий, осмотрел номер и сказал, что всё согласует с руководством и будем решать проблему. Ещё спустя минут 20 минут он приехал, сказал, что поскольку все номера заняты, нам могут вернуть 100% стоимости номера, выселить и подарить ваучер на одну на проживание. Соглашаемся. Решив приехать через неделю, бронируем номер и используем ваучер, но на следующие сутки после бронировки звонит менеджер и сообщает, что они вынуждены отменить бронь и предложить вариант поселения в сентябре!!! Якобы номеров нет, хотя на момент брони (звонили прямо в отель) всё было и нам всё подтвердили. По итогу: отдыха ноль, нервы потрепали знатно, сотрудники ничего не умеют решать и вообще не заботятся о гостях. Сервиса никакого, номера грязные, находятся в полуподвальном помещении, из-за чего очень мало света. В номерах одинакового класса разный набор техники: в одном номере есть чайник и отсутствует фен, в другом ситуация противоположная. Не рекомендую никому тут останавливаться .

5. Morewell

S. Tolokun St., 43A, Tolokun Ukraine
Overall Ratings

2.5 based on 21 reviews


Загородный комплекс MOREWELL создан для Вашего исключительного комфорта. Наш загородный комплекс создан для тех, кто любит наслаждаться своей жизнью и отдыхать с комфортом. Берег Киевского моря... Здесь вы можете укротить волну на сапсерфе или организовать романтичное свидание на берегу, порыбачить на лодке или отдохнуть на шезлонге возле бассейна. Абсолютно каждый здесь найдет отдых по душе. Наше гостеприимство, сервис и любовь к отдыху наполнят вас хорошими эмоциями, которые вдохновят на новые свершения! К Вашим услугам комфортные номера отеля, SPA зона с сауной, бассейном и хаммамом, соляная комната, 3 зала ресторана, детская анимация, летний бассейн, пляж на берегу Киевского моря, BBQ-зона, беседки для отдыха на природе. Вы можете воспользоваться услугами проката квадроциклов, багги, велосипедов, самокатов, водных скутеров. Увлекательные прогулки по Киевскому морю на яхте или катере для влюбленных или рыбаков. Наиболее рыбные места и шикарный ужин обеспечены всем!

BAD!!! A bad Motel 6, pretending to be a 5 star resort.

Reviewed By georgesV1778BO

So, me and my wife got married earlier that day. We were so excited to have a few days away to celebrate our wedding and within seconds, that mood vanished. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: - Walking in, you see hundreds of mosquitos and big hairy spiders covering the doors and windows on the terraces of the ground floor... You hope that these are not the only entrances to the individual rooms... They are. - We got to the reception (there's no disabled access to the building) and it looked a little more promising. It was modern and welcoming and we were greeted by somewhat friendly staff, paid the 6600UAH and then I was mortified. The payment wouldn't go through. After 4 attempts, knowing that I have no limits and at least 5 times the necessary funds in my UK account, we were made to think it was our fault and that it doesn't happen regularly. We later found out from the restaurant staff that it happens a lot and that they needed to use a different terminal and enter a spot with stronger WiFi. We had to use all our cash to settle the bill, meaning we had none left to tip staff and pay for additional services. Humiliated and deflated, we went to our room. THE ROOM (ROOM 104): - Prisons feel more welcoming than the box that you pay for. One solitary, tiny decorative painting on drab textured plaster; one small table; one small fridge full of cobwebs; one small wardrobe for your two suitcases; one tiny TV with x4 remote controls and no telephone (so the room service on offer, requires you to leave your room and come back...???). - Upon entry through the wall of insects and in a mad rush to keep them out, we tried to close the nets and curtains; "tried" being the key word. Not only did we realise that the curtain wasn't actually big enough to cover this ground floor window, not only were the netting and curtain on the same rail preventing us from closing either, but as we pulled them in either direction, the damn things unclipped from the plastic hooks dragging along an ancient rail. So imagine, on a wedding night, realising that there is no way you can get privacy, having to pin one side of a curtain up against a wall with the little table while you tie a knot higher up to try and give yourself at least A BIT of privacy. - So not only is there a poor TV with bad channels but there's NO WIFI SIGNAL. Considering there's so little to do, you can't even watch YouTube in bed. NOT EVEN A KETTLE! Which is probably good considering there is only one plug socket for use in the room... Unless you unplug the TV and hang your chargers on the wall... Or unplug the fridge for the safer, more convenient plug. THE BATHROOM (ROOM 104): - This was either never finished, or the staff have decided that their paying customers can live with the absolutely atrocious state of repair that their bathrooms are in. On the website they look pretty with green marbled walls and shiny taps. In reality they're grotty, unfinished, imitations of better bathrooms. The grout and seals are all disgusting, the mirror is mounted and finished with grey putty and the tiled floor dips and raises which such random frequency it's sometimes hard to keep standing in the small dank room. Oh and the fan didn't work. - The sink tap is loose and wobbles in the basin. - The toilet is actually wonky and points inwards slightly, supposedly to compensate for the fact that the door closes on your knees (well at least it's supposed to close... you have to lock it to actually keep it shut) - The shower spits out rust smelling water that seeps out from behind the glass screen and through the "water seal" all over the bathroom floor and the (most disgusting) drain didn't actually drain anything, so you shower in a puddle and hope it doesn't overflow and drains by morning. THE RESTAURANT: - firstly, the reception took all our cash when they mistakenly blamed us for failed payment (confirmed by my bank as no decline was ever registered), which meant that we couldn't tip staff. Probably a good thing come to think of it because there were only two that made any effort at hospitality considering we were almost always the only ones there. - The food, like the hotel in general, were imitations of actual class. Serving a portion of frozen, tasteless, mushy vareniki in cast iron pot and adding dill, or frozen french fries in a frying basket on a wooden paddle, does not make it gourmet. Scrambled eggs were served ICE COLD with overwhelming dill, atop dry butterless supermarket toast. - My wife's meals had regular substitutions from the kitchen as if she wouldn't notice the cherry strudel that wasn't on the menu, replace the apple one she was expecting. Or the sudden appearance of a proper Caesar's salad on her plate, the day after an excuse for one sullied our table. - "I'll have...", "We don't have that". Over and over and over. - Was it bad? Yes. Why? Because it was pretending to be something it wasn't. If this hotel put half the effort into making their food taste as good as they were trying to make it look... And if they used fresh ingredients and focused on teaching their chefs how to actually cook with them... Well... It could be a decent place. Instead of the knock-off plastic chaired excuse for a restaurant they currently have. THE SPA, POOL AND FACILITIES: - When we finally wondered over to the outside pool to get some rays and have a dip... One of the staff told us we weren't allowed to use any of the 8 empty sunbeds because a hen party was due to turn up "sometime soon". As if we, a couple on our honeymoon, paying customers and equal benefactors of the hotels hospitality were not also entitled to use these facilities. - judging by how many corners were cut throughout the rest of the hotel, we opted not to pay even more money for what I can only assume would've been a massage from the cleaner on their break. There was nothing to do and every single thing cost more money. DO NOT GO HERE. For their part, they did their best to ruin our honeymoon... Luckily, I love my wife

6. Try Simky

Promyslova 4, 07300 Ukraine
Try Simky

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