Tuusula (Finnish pronunciation: [tuːsulɑ]; Swedish: Tusby, [ˈtʉːsbyː]) is a municipality of Finland. It belongs to the Helsinki sub-region of the Uusimaa region. The municipality has a population of 38,637 (31 August 2017).
Restaurants in Tuusula
4.5 based on 46 reviews
The location of the house is marvellous on the shore of the lake. The house and its furnishings quite nicely tell the story of the artist and his family. The large collection of art by major Finnish painters of the time make it really worth visiting this museum.
4.5 based on 32 reviews
If one is interested in Finnish history this smallish museum. There you find information on history of Finnish women during war time.
Exhibition is nicely put and informative.
There is down stairs a cafe&restaurant where you eat deliciuos soups or have coffee with sweet bread.
There are other home museums of Finnish artists near by worth visiting, too.
4 based on 19 reviews
Finnish cultural History starting from 1850 around Lake Tuusula. Famous Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, Finnish writers Aleksis Kivi and Juhani Aho, Finnish Artists Eero Järnefelt and Pekka Halonen, all have their house or other building around the lake.
Walk or rent a bike to see the area.
4.5 based on 12 reviews
This little 18th century church stands on the shores of Lake Tuusula and it is surrounded by a small church yard. Local artist Pekka Halonen (whose lakeside home museum Halosenniemi is open for public) and Aleksis Kivi are buried here. The whole area including the church and graveyard has lovely calm atmosphere, and the views to the lake are very nice.
5 based on 3 reviews
Ennakkoon varattu aikataulu ei mennyt aivan kuten Strömsössä, mutta pakenemaan päästiin kaikesta huolimatta. Korvaukseksi saimme ilmaisen visiitin heidän toiseen huoneeseen, mikä tyydytti oikein hyvin venynyttä aikataulua. Henkilökunta oli ystävällistä ja pakohuoneen teema oli kiva. Olimme vaimon kanssa kahdestaan ja jäi minuutista kahdesta kiinni, että emme olisi ratkaisseet arvoitusta.
Mukaansa tempaava ja hyvin tehty. Voimme suositella lämpimästi.
3.5 based on 9 reviews
Aleksis Kivi wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, Seven Brothers "Seitsemän veljestä" and is still regarded as one of the best authors writing in Finnish ever. He was supported by wealthy benefactors, but they could or would not help him towards the end of his life, when he descended into alcoholism and madness and he lived in this cottage for the last 9 months of his life which was rented by his brother Albert and Albert's second wife Wilhelmiina. Those months were dreadful times of delirium and physical and mental illness. It seems incredible that 3 adults, let alone some children, could've lived in this tiny house, especially given Kivi's condition.
There is an entry fee for this museum and an informative young woman gives details of the life of the Kivi family and the history of Aleksis.
After his death, on New Year's Eve 1872 many eminent Finns came to lay him to rest under a willow tree in the old cemetery in Tuusula.
This is well worth a visit for those doing the tour of the artists' museums of Järvenpää and Tuusula.
4 based on 4 reviews
3 based on 1 reviews
Kellokosken rantasauna is for individuals ja organisation and companies to have meetings, camps, sauna, swimming and other ourdoor actvities. We have room for 10 people to stay overnight.
Kiva pieni paikka metsäpolun varrella pääse autolla lähelle makkaranpaistoa onnistuu ulkona grilli-alueella kesällä kiva uida ja saunoa voi vuokrata myös yöksi tai miksei koko viikonlopuksi rento pieni paikka lapset tykkää maasto vaikeakulkuista
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