Anthem: Bayernhymne (German)
"Hymn of Bavaria"
Restaurants in Bavaria
5.0 based on 2 reviews
Fussballgolfanlage auf 35.000 qm², ca. 7 Kilometer von Augsburg entfernt. Spaß für Familien, Sportbegeisterte und jedem der sich gerne in der freien Natur bewegt.
4.5 based on 104 reviews
The Erdinger Arena is one of the most impressive and most beautiful ski jumping stadiums in the world. Almost daily national and international training groups practice on the jumping hills in the arena. In addition, numerous events such as the Four Hills Tournament, concerts and much more take place every year. A ski museum, guided tours, the “skywalk-park” between the jumping hills and a restaurant complete the experience.
Note that “Audi Arena” and “Erdinger Arena” are one and the same place. It simply changed the main sponsor and with this its name. Be prepared for further changes in the coming years, depending on the ever changing main sponsors. The arena is located at the northern hill of the “Schattenberg” and its eponymous ski jumping hills. It is famous worldwide for its beautiful surroundings. It even has its own little waterfall, within the compound, that can be seen next to the standing area. An arena trip includes a climb by elevator to the top of the jumping tower and a visit to the ski museum. The latter is located in the main building and is reviewed separately on TA. Note that if you visit on a day when a ski jump event is taking place, the arena trip is not possible. The gondolas of the cable car to the “Nebelhorn” summit crosses the grand stands the whole day, even during World Cup events. The grand stands, surrounding the landing area for the athletes, look like a football stadium cut in half and can accommodate 27000 people Do not confuse the “Schattenberg-Schanze” with the even bigger “Heini-Klopfer-Schanze”, which is a few kilometers away and used for the spectacular ski flying events. Ski Jumping originated in the 18th century, in the Norwegian province of Telemark. With time, the interest for this new discipline rose and Ski Jumping became a sport of its own. Today Ski Jumping is one of the most popular disciplines in winter sports. Around the world fans gather to watch athletes fly through the air at world cup competitions and the famous “Vierschanzentournee” (Four Hills Tournament). Ski jumping was added to the Olympic winter games in 1924.
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