Discover the best top things to do in Province of Catania, Italy including Casa della Musica e della Liuteria Medievale, Museo del Carretto Siciliano Gullotti, Museo Salvatore Incorpora, Museo del Palmento, Polo Tattile Multimediale, Museo Etneo Delle Migrazioni, Palazzo Biscari, Casa Museo dell'Apicoltore e Vendita di Miele, Monastero dei Benedettini, Museo del Cinema di Catania.
Restaurants in Province of Catania
5.0 based on 89 reviews
Authentic medieval house, 13th-15th centuries. Luthier's workshop. Musical instruments exhibition: replicas from prehistory to the Middle Ages. Harmonic Planetarium: music and astronomy. The music of the spheres, an acoustic journey through the history of music and astronomy. Please book your visit.
Visiting with Giuseppe in his beautiful workshop was a highlight of our trip. We enjoyed learning about his work restoring and designing ancient musical instruments and his theory on the development of music. We often thought of his lessons as we visited the archaeological sites in Sicily, especially the ceramics with paintings of musicians. Randazzo is also a very interesting town. Many of the houses and streets had small art installations. As you are a guest in Giuseppe's home, it is best to call for a reservation. He speaks perfect English. A delightful afternoon in Etna.
5.0 based on 58 reviews
5.0 based on 13 reviews
The museum is part of a typical sicilian farm (dated 19th century) where the famous Etna red wine was once produced. It is mainly located in the "palmento" which is an original construction where the grapes were pressed, and the juIce fermented. It houses the old tools and machines that were used in wine making, olive pressing, various handcrafting activities, and in the homes.
5.0 based on 60 reviews
The POLO TATTILE MULTIMEDIALE born in Catania in March 2008 , it is located in the heart of Catania , in the beautiful Via Etnea , in a ' 700 building ; houses inside a unique structure in Europe , as it contains within it a Tactile Museum , unique in Southern Italy , a showroom , a bar in the Dark , a Sensory Garden . The Polo Tactile Multimedia offers visitors as a place where together, disabled and not , can experience , Knowledge Sharing and " touch" that you can live " like everyone in the world of all. " We have set ourselves the goal of greater cultural literacy by providing all the blind , visually impaired , and all citizens , allowing visitors of our unique experience in its kind , an experience to discover a new way to do integration. Due to the covid-19 emergency reservation is required.
4.5 based on 459 reviews
The most important private palace in Catania and precious testimony of the Sicilian baroque. The frescoed halls, full of charm and elegance, represent a splendid setting for concerts, meetings, receptions, gala evenings, fashion shows.
The owner is an excellent story teller about the original prince and his family, bringing the history of this well-maintained palazzo to life. It was very interesting.
4.5 based on 26 reviews
4.5 based on 2,221 reviews
Il Monastero di San Nicolo l'Arena di Catania (#monasterocatania), gioiello del tardo barocco siciliano e tra i complessi benedettini piu' grandi d'Europa. L'edificio monastico, che nasce nel '500 e si sviluppa fino ai giorni nostri, e' un esempio di integrazione architettonica tra le epoche: contraddistinto da molteplici trasformazioni oggi e' patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco. Sede del DiSUM (dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche) dell'Universita' degli Studi di Catania, custodisce al suo interno due domus romane, i chiostri e un intero piano costruito da G. B. Vaccarini sopra il banco lavico del 1669. Dal 2010 Officine Culturali, in collaborazione con l'Universita degli Studi di Catania, si occupa della valorizzazione del Monastero dei Benedettini. Il Monastero e' considerato uno dei beni culturali piu' significativi del meridione d'Italia. La missione assunta da Officine Culturali consiste nel rendere accessibile e comprensibile il Monastero nel migliore dei modi e al maggior numero di persone possibile. A tal scopo Officine Culturali ha attivato un'offerta di fruizione variegata e dinamica. Attraverso il servizio di visite guidate giornaliero e' possibile conoscere gli aspetti piu' significativi dell'ex plesso monastico. I percorsi guidati per i piu' piccoli sono arricchiti dai laboratori, dove la narrazione delle "arti e mestieri" benedettini e' svolta in maniera creativa e divertente da professionisti della didattica dell'arte, dell'architettura, delle tradizioni e delle scienze. Oltre al quotidiano svolgimento delle attivita' di promozione, valorizzazione, informazione e accoglienza, Officine Culturali e' promotrice di iniziative ed eventi culturali e di intrattenimento, finalizzati a rendere il Monastero uno spazio di integrazione e aggregazione per la collettivita'.
The tour of the monastery takes around 1.5 hours and gives you the opportunity to learn the very interesting history that comes with it. We took the tour in English language presented by Nicola... He was exceptional.
4.5 based on 156 reviews
Who would have imagined that a cinema museum in Catania, Sicily, would be so interesting and enjoyable! While the museum provides historical context for the development of cinema (in a clever series of exhibits), the real fun of the museum lies in its lush pseudo movie sets of settings (dining room, kitchen, bar, library, bath, dance hall and more) in which screens present scenes from famous movies that pertain to the set. For example, the dance floor presented dance scenes from famous movies, such as from Singing in the Rain. I loved the scene of Jeff Bridges in his bathtub from The Big Lebowski from the bath set; the library set included the scene of Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein as the library shelf-door swings around to trap him, and the garage scene featured famous car scenes, including car chases such as the mash up at the end of The Blues Brothers. This is only a minimal sampling of the hundreds of scenes chosen to fit with each of the sets. We spent over two hours of sheer enjoyment in this museum.
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