Discover the best top things to do in Western Transdanubia, Hungary including Church of the Holy Trinity, Szent Imre templom, Szent Mihaly Chapel, Jezus szive templom (Herz-Jesu-Pfarrkirche), Holy Spirit Catholic Church, MagdalenaKirche, Mary Magdalene church in Egregy, Maria Magdalena Roman Catholic Church, Peace Temple, Roman Catholic Church of Szentgotthard.
Restaurants in Western Transdanubia
4.5 based on 37 reviews
The Zalaszántó Stupa is one of the largest such facilities in Europe. The sanctuary was built in 1992 on the Kovácsi hill near Zalaszántó, in the middle of a forest. The snow-white structure is 30 m high and 24 m wide. You can't even get inside the sanctuary. The stupa looks really nice and the surrounding area is very peaceful. The road is in a very bad condition. Worth visiting!
4.5 based on 17 reviews
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