Discover the best Ranches in State of Pernambuco including Fazenda & Pousada Lar De Gloria, Pousada Rural Engenho Cueirinha, Fazenda Engenho Cordeiro, Pousada Ecologica Sempre Verde, Hotel Fazenda Ceu Aberto.
Things to do in State of Pernambuco
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4 based on 4 reviews
Datado de 1933 o bucólico engenho Cueirinha, na zona rural de Nazaré da Mata, resgata a rica cultura da cana-de-açúcar. A hospitalidade é ótima, mas o cardápio doce também: Pão de macaxeira. Bolo Souza Leão e de macaxeira, licores de canela, cravo e laranja, doces de batata doce, amooo. Tudo com açúcar que faz parte da história dessa terra. Como se o cheirinho de mato verde e a comida gostosa não bastassem, o contato com a natureza – rios, cachoeiras, circuitos de aventura, contato com animais, cavalgada, pescaria – completa o circuito com opções para todas as idades. Perto da pequena capela que existe no local foram instalados os chalés, que abrigam os hóspedes que vão ali em busca de paz e de um roteiro diferente. Ótimo pra relaxar nas redes espalhadas no local. Entre seus clientes lá já esteve a diretora de cinema Tizuka Yamasaki.
5 based on 14 reviews
Our Ecolodge offers a different experience of Brazil, its nature and culture. On the top of the mountain, surrounded by rainforest, you will find a cool tropical climate with beautiful sites and views, tracks in the forest, bath in small waterfalls, have contact with nice locals, experience handicraft and bioconstruction, horseback riding, and get to know a strive for sustainability at the lodge. A wonderful tropical culinary - lots of fruits, ecological vegetables and regional food will make you delighted. The rooms have different standards - from small rooms without private bathroom, to bigger rooms with TV and private bathroom, for 2 or up til 6 people. A lot of hammocks invite you to rest after the daily adventures in the forest and community. There are lots of small-holdings in the region, which plant flower and vegetables.
3.5 based on 57 reviews
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